Silver Romance

Freedom Call

Freedom call is back celebrating 25 years.
August 29, 2024

We have some Power Melodic Metal on the menu today kids. The band is FREEDOM CALL from Germany. Our friends from Germany are exporters of many great bands in the Melodic Metal scene such as BLIND GUARDIAN, GAMMA RAY and HALLOWEEN. The band FREEDOM CALL is well known in the international scene however, not as much as the big ones above. They have been on and off with the band formation throughout the years and they are now releasing their latest full album Silver Romance celebrating 25 years on the road. We start with the energetic album title “Silver Romance” and all the ingredients are there. Epic guitars  plus a great attention to the arrangements and vocal melody. The melodies are actually epic as fuck requiring perhaps, to have a full choir in their live performances to reproduce what is in the track “Symphony Of Avalon”.

The band decided to respect the speed limit on “Supernova” that has a low vocal line for the chorus that reminded me of Super Trouper from ABBA. Sorry for the heresy. The band has very well seasoned musicians and, as it is expected from the bands of this genre, a killer guitar duo with Chris Bay and Lars Rettkowitz with great guitar arrangements and tasty solos as you can hear in “Infinity” . The Next track “Out Of Space”, and some other tracks in the album, will also have the presence of a non credited keyboard player. The band goes back to speed and epicness with “Distant Horizon” that could be used as a battle hymn. The band's image is a little on the fantasy side with some make up ala KISS involved but not too much. I do not know if this is an old thing or if they decided to adopt this for this album. Looks a little too soft for me. “In Quest For Love” is the speed love metal song of the album. The drummer Ramy Ali is perfect for the job and I can tell that it is not that easy being the drummer for this kind of music genre. Great precision and stamina is required. The album has a welcome variety of tracks and not all is at 200kmh.

The softer “Blue Giant” has a nice melody sung by the good singer Chris Bay. Playing complicated riffs and holding the vocal with this quality is not easy and hats off to him. The band has more to say with the good “Meteorite”. Heavy and with an interesting drum pattern showing that every song has something different to say. “Big Bang Universe” starts and it comes to my mind another great band of the genre ANGRA, that perhaps was a source of inspiration as some vocal melody lines remind me of the great singer and composer Andre Mattos. The arrangements of all songs are top notch, showing creativity and knowledge as you can hear in “New Haven” and “High Above”. This last one could be used in a Nike commercial. I would also like to highlight the presence of bass player Francesco Ferraro that does not compromise, but also does not shine away from the guitar melodies. Let the bass talk more please. We end our journey with “Metal Generation” that for me, sounded a little too campy to be used as a call of arms for the metal generation. Overall a very good release in the Power Melodic Metal scene if this is your thing. Competent musicians, solid melodies, and a variety of the arrangements to let every fan of the genre happy.

7 / 10









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"Silver Romance" Track-listing:

01. Silver Romance
02. Symphony Of Avalon
03. Supernova
04. Infinity
05. Out Of Space
06. Distant Horizon
07. In Quest Of Love
08. Blue Giant
09. Meteorite
10. Big Bang Universe
11. New Haven
12. High Above
13. Metal Generation

Freedom Call Lineup:

Chris Bay – vocals / guitar
Lars Rettkowitz – guitar
Francesco Ferraro – bass
Ramy Ali – drums

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