
Fortress Under Siege

Although their sound was tight, the production excellent, and their musicianship strong, they didn’t do enough to separate themselves from many other bands in this style.
January 25, 2024

“Envy,” FORTRESS UNDER SIEGE’s most powerful album ever, offer’s modern power metal without losing their connection with their past. The lyrical background offers again a wide variety, dealing with social, historical, sci-fi, mythological matters. An original masterpiece painting of Ioannis Koutrikas decorates once again the cover of the new record, functioning as an allegory of envy, a female beauty with horns. The album has ten songs.

 “Bring Out Your Dead” is first, and it has an energetic sound with backing symphonics. I hear some IRON MAIDEN and SYMPHONY X in their sound as well. The singer has a good range and a bit of a snarl in his rasp. “Ride the Thunder” has a smooth mid-tempo riff where the vocals are featured with strong harmonies. Still, this sound has been done before and the pacing of this song keeps it grounded. “Look at You” is a bit faster and has that classic 80’s riff and well as some shredding leads. It slows in the verses, featuring emotional vocals, and picks back up with a big punch of harmonies in the chorus.

 “Disobey” has a darker and more dangerous sound, but again, that pacing need to be picked up. Both the leads and the bass work are strong, but the songwriting needs a little work. “Envy” has that classic Power Metal sound, with a fast moving riff and galloping drum work. The musicianship of the band is strong and you can hear it in this song, although much of the focus is on the singer and his pipes. “Deceptor” might be the best song on the album with tender verses and an all-out chorus where the heavier side of the band comes through.

 “Straits of Glory” is another mid-tempo song that just doesn’t have a lot of enthusiasm or excitement. Again, the band is clearly talented but that is only half of the battle. “Burning Fleshes” closes the album, and it’s another lackluster offering. Overall, although their sound was tight, the production excellent, and their musicianship strong, they didn’t do enough to separate themselves from many other bands in this style.


5 / 10









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"Envy" Track-listing:

1. Bring Out Your Dead

2. Ride the Thunder

3. Distant Voices

4. Look at You

5. Disobey

6. Envy

7. Broken and Torn

8. Deceptor

9. Straits of Glory

10. Burning Fleshes


Fortress Under Siege Lineup:



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