The Space Inbetween


The music is quite simple in scope, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s not an excellent album. The band transforms heavy, accented riffs into the authoritative footsteps of a mammoth, plodding through the northern plains in a time long ago.
July 24, 2024

From Bandcamp, “Formed in early 2023, ERRONAUT draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of 70s rock, 90s grunge, stoner, and desert sounds, infusing them with a modern twist. Their music delves into themes of love, loss, and existential introspection, inviting listeners on an immersive journey through “The Space Inbetween.” The album has ten songs, and “5.68º N 98.54º E” is first, and it’s a brief intro, leading to “Way Down Below.” It’s like a BLACK SABBATH riff…slow, low, and powerful. When the vocals and bass come in, it’s like another layer of dark sound approaching, and this song crushes.

“Lost Cause” is another devastatingly low and powerful song, and one thing that the band has command over is the power and magic of a good riff. With the harmonized vocals, I also get a little ALICE IN CHAINS thrown in. “Echoes Inside” is another short song, probably meant to cut some of the heaviness of the album a bit. “1202” goes even deeper into the underground caves, with a sound that mirrors a giant slowly awakening, and the vocals are surprisingly emotional. “Underneath the Sun” throws in some psychedelic elements into the mix, and those meaty bass notes really help to thicken up the sound.

“Dark Horizon” saunters in a bit slower, and you can feel the riff coming, almost like black clouds rolling in and warning you of an impending storm. Again, you can really feel the emotions in the vocals. The final song is divided into two parts. The first part, “The Insomnia” sounds exactly like someone who is dog tired, but can’t fall asleep. Instead, he lives in a grey haze. The second part, “The Subconscious Decompression,” is a free jam of a lot of riffs, leads, and psychedelic bass guitar notes that makes me feel calm and energized at the same time. Overall, the music is quite simple in scope, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s not an excellent album. The band transforms heavy, accented riffs into the authoritative footsteps of a mammoth, plodding through the northern plains in a time long ago.

8 / 10









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"The Space Inbetween" Track-listing:

1. 5.68º N 98.54º E

2. Way Down Below

3. Lost Cause

4. Per Contra

5. Echoes Inside

6. 1202

7. Underneath the Sun

8. Dark Horizon

9. Beyond Sleep Pt .1 The Insomnia

10. Beyond Sleep Pt. 2 The Subconscious Decompression


Erronaut Lineup:

Simon Wilson

Peter Hunt

Sam Gates

Mikey Ward


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