

The band's name comes from a Middle High German adjective originating from the West Germanic […]
September 4, 2024

The band's name comes from a Middle High German adjective originating from the West Germanic *alja-landja-, which can be translated as "being out of the(/one's) country". In the sense of "exiled", this took on a negative connotation over time, reflected in modern German elend, i.e. "miserable.” ELLENDE is strictly L.G.'s solo-project. All other people involved are session/live musicians only. His newest album here has eight songs. “Am Sterbebett der Zeit” is first…it’s a short instrumental introduction of graceful piano notes, seguing into “Ballade auf den Tod,” which opens with those soft piano notes, but transitions to aggressive Black Metal, but the graceful qualities remain even with the looming creature over the horizon.

“Verehrung” also has a nice balance between the contentious sounds of Black Metal with the majestic sounds of orchestral instruments. The two would seem diametrically opposed to one another, but in the right hands, it mixes together with synergy. The next song is divided into to parts. The first part has many pretty qualities to it, especially in the clean guitars. A thick brush begins to grow at your feet, and it takes over before you even realize it. But it’s the kind of brush that is warm, and somehow it calms you. The second part has equally depressive tones, but they are the kind that makes your heart ache. If the vocals screams don’t penetrate to your soul, you may not even have one.

“Versprochen...” has symphonic elements and a sense of hope that is fleeting. If you waive it in front of you for too long, it might disappear in the wind. Ride out the wave as long as you can, into the sunset. “Verachtung” has a steady supply of energy and passion, mostly from the contentious vocals, but also within the music. The undertones are still quite pretty, however. “Am Ende stirbst du allein” closes the album, and it’s a nice, smooth cool down from the aggressive elements. For me, it opens your mind to a whole new perspective on life. Perhaps the best part of the album for me was the overtly beautiful tones that are dashed with moment of unbridled aggression. As I mentioned above, the two styles are opposite of one another, but in the skilled hands of L.G., they work marvelously together in unison.

8 / 10









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"Todbringerin" Track-listing:

1. Am Sterbebett der Zeit

2. Ballade auf den Tod

3. Verehrung

4. Scherben Teil I

5. Scherben Teil II

6. Versprochen...

7. Verachtung

8. Am Ende stirbst du allein


Ellende Lineup:

L.G. – Everything

P.F. – Drums (Session)


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