Gateways of Eternity

Dolmen Gate

....isn’t a bad album but it’s missing something to really propel to higher highs. I’m confident the band will nail down their formula so I will be watching for their sophomore album.

DOLMEN GATE is a heavy metal band from Portugal who formed in 2021. “Gateways of Eternity” is their full-length debut but they also released an EP in 2023. This is an album that mixes in a lot of different styles, including doom and, of course, power metal. Heavy/Power/Epic doom cross each other’s lines so mixing all these styles together sounds really natural for the band. I think the album as a whole is servicable but there are some issues. The intro and outro tracks, “Dolmen Gate” and “Gateways Of Eternity” are nothing more than filler. The seven remaining songs aren’t bad but, to be honest, they wouldn’t be nearly as interesting without Ana’s absolutely stunning vocals. She is, without a doubt, the best part of the album and a constant highlight.

The rest of the band aren’t slouches but the songs clearly thrive on Ana’s delivery. A lot of bands are vocal centered, and there isn’t really anything wrong with that, but so many times during my sessions with this album, the music kind of just faded into the background while my ears focused solely on Ana. Sometimes the music just seems to be going through the motions without being overly exciting. That isn’t to say there isn’t any musical highlights. Alex’s drums are clear, crisp, and tight as well. Guitarists Kiko and Artur certainly know their way around a variety of styles but I question the need for three guitarists. Bassist Nuno does a fine job with providing a melodic but still rock solid job of handling the low end.

The first full song, “Rest in Flames,” begins with a classic sense of metal that wouldn’t sound out of place in the 80’s. It sounds great but time only moves forward and, at times, the band feels more like a tribute to a bygone era than an actual original band. I like the movement that begins around the 2:52 mark, melodic and adventurous that leads into a pretty blazing solo. “Chambers of Magic” brings in the riffs of doom although the album’s thin production means the guitars don’t sound as thick as they should. Still, the band brings it pretty hard here, especially the drumming. The halfway point is great, melodic and catchy while bridging the two halves of the song together.

Retribution,” is the best song on the album–the beginning nails down a good balance between galloping metal and melodic flourishes. The vocals are catchy as hell and the entire band throws in their hate to see who can provide the best melodic romp. Ain all, “Gateways of Eternity” isn’t a bad album but it’s missing something to really propel to higher highs. I’m confident the band will nail down their formula so I will be watching for their sophomore album.

5 / 10









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"Gateways of Eternity" Track-listing:
  1. Dolmen Gate
  2. Rest in Flames
  3. The Oath
  4. Chambers of Magic
  5. The Wheel
  6. Retribution
  7. Horizon's Call
  8. Betrayal
  9. Gateways of Eternity
Dolmen Gate Lineup:

Alex - Drums
Kiko - Guitars
Nuno - Bass
Ana - Vocals
Artur - Guitars

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