Hour of Penance

HOUR OF PENANCE is an Italian technical/brutal death metal band from Rome and was formed in 1999. Their first demo which was released sometime in 2000 that later got them the attention and drive to release their first full length album “Disturbance” under the record label Xtream Music from Spain in 2003. Since then, the band has released multiple albums and have built up a decent following and fan base over the years. Fast forward in time until today and we have the latest album “Devotion” released April.5th 2024 under the Polish label Agonia Records.This album is 36:48 minutes of brutality, the brutality that you've come to expect from these guys. So let’s take a closer look into their ninth album and see what all the hype is about.
Upon first glance at the album art, I am already disappointed as we see HOUR OF PENANCE jumping on the latest trend of AI generated art, if you can even call it that. I get it, try something new and see where it goes and how well it’s received. Due to this, the metal scene seems torn and divided between being for or against AI generated artwork. I believe their latest music video for the opening song “Devotion of Tyranny” of the album “Devotion” Is completely AI generated as well. check it out below. Starting the album off strong with “Devotion of Tyranny”. The song begins with the subtle sound of wind blowing through the trees. A large gong echoes outwards as the wind bellows with an eerie like whistling sound that carries out on the reverberations of what seems like large bells off in some faraway distance, carried on the wind. A classical influenced gothic chant picks up further building the tension. Crackling of thunder. Then you are met with a barrage of low guitar riffs, heavy drums and abysmal growling vocals.
Instrumentally, you can definitely hear the influences of bands such as Nile within the guitar riffs. Tuned to a possible seven string B standard, you get that solid heavy sound of chugging death as you are hit with an onslaught of base kicks and well placed drum rolls. The overall structure isn't that bad but the cords do seem all too familiar. “Paolo Pieri”, their current vocalist does a great job utilizing his larynx to get his deep airy growls. Each song does open slightly differently from one song to the next, but not by much and has an overall similar tonality throughout the album. Each song has very similar guitar riffs and drumming with the same tone throughout each song. Still, I would argue that it was delivered well.
That being said, however, there were three songs that stood out to me with lasting impressions. The first being “Devotion of Tyranny” due to the intense build up before being decimated with relentless brutality. The second being “Retaliate” with its march of aggressive savagery built by well timed drumming. This song also has a punch. The last song that stood out to me was “The Ravenous Herold” where right off the bat you hear that technical sound leading into heavy aggression that leads into a beautiful instrumental over lightly sung hymns. For me, these songs are simply disgusting in all the right ways.
Lyrically, the album is relatively well written and aims to paint the overall theme of “Devotion” which does a decent job at doing so. That theme being of misguided devotion and the dire consequences that ensue thereafter. From the futility of war to the vicious greed of imperialism are but some of the tones expressed through this album. When you pair these lyrics and deep grows with the relentless bass kicks, blast beats and heavy guitar riffs, it formulates a wall of brutality that pulverizes the senses that further expresses HOUR OF PENANCE theme for their newest album with intense ferocity.
Closing off the album we have the song “Spiraling into Decline”. Starting off with a heavy riff that's counted in with some solid drumming, leading you down a path with technical guitar riffs, heavy double kicks and visceral low growls. There are some well placed parts with lightly sung hymns. This again, adds an extra layer of an overall gothic influence to the song which further drives the theme of devotion.
I would recommend giving this album a listen, especially if you enjoy Technical Brutal Death Metal. I personally enjoyed it and look forward to hearing what they will do next. Some of their earlier work was alright and some earlier albums were definitely better than others. But from where they came to where they are now. HOUR OF PENANCE has most certainly made their mark within death metal and I look forward to hearing more from them.
7 / 10

"Devotion" Track-listing:
- Devotion of Tyranny
- Parasitic Chain of Command
- Birthright Abolished
- Retaliate
- Breathe the Dust of Their Dead
- The Morality of Warfare
- Severance
- The Ravenous Heralds
- A Desert Called Peace
- Spiraling into Decline
Hour of Penance Lineup:
Paolo Pieri – vocals, guitars (2010–present)
Giulio Moschini – lead guitar (2004–present)
Marco Mastrobuono – bass (2013–present)
Giacomo Torti – drums (2022–present)
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