Nethermost & Absolute Comfort

From Bandcamp, “Nethermost & Absolute Comfort” is an absolute sick record, with the themes of self-hatred, despondency, self-harm and hopelessness, meant as a testimony from a part of the darkest past of the artist. After the world-acclaimed masterpiece "Ave Maria II," DEHA comes back with an ultra-dark yet weirdly emotional journey through super slow funeral doom metal: "Nethermost," a +40min track showcasing the vocal centipede Déhà is, with clean singing, cavernous growls, insane shrieks and more. "Absolute Comfort" brings the paradox of drone guitars and an atmosphere as thick as those green forests you have nightmares about, while keeping the listener stuck on a voyage for +25 mins that ends with a climax that brings shivers down the spine.”
“Nethermost” is the first song; a 44-minute opus. The opening tones are low, slow, tense and quite dark, yet clean vocal harmonies rise above. The harsh vocals, however, paint a different picture. Their guttural vibrations and slow delivery reflect feelings as despair, and hopelessness. From there, the story drags out with occasional lead guitar parts. It moves so slow, I get the vision of an old man trudging through the snow on the way back to his home. The five mile trek seems to take forever. In fact, he keeps wandering, and his home seems to move further and further from his steps. Realizing he will never get home, he grows weary from traveling and rests, closing his eyes, and never waking up.
“Absolute Comfort” is about half as long, clocking in a 27 minutes, and it also begins with tense tones. A voice roars from the grave, sending shivers down your spine. It seems to come from everywhere, and surrounds you in every direction. The guitar reverberation is also noteworthy…each hard riff strike seems to rattle in your soul. Like the previous song, it aims at frightening tones, designed to suck you into the void, as the landscape turns from a dull grey to absolute blackness…nothingness. Overall, this was indeed a sick album, sick with the blackness of a terminal disease. The length of the songs drew a parallel to someone’s pathetic life, when in the end, they loved no one, and accomplished nothing. I think many of us can relate to that hole.
8 / 10
"Nethermost & Absolute Comfort" Track-listing:
1. Nethermost
2. Absolute Comfort
Déhà Lineup:
Déhà – Everything
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