There Is A Place For Me On Earth


These guys know how to handle their instruments, know how to play. They also are very capable of mixing the live instruments with the computerised ones. It sometimes reminds me of the vibe that REVOLTING COCKS used to have. They do have a good thing going there.
June 12, 2024

DEFOCUS is a Modern Metalcore band from Aalen/Stuttgart in Germany, which shows in the way they are able to incorporate Industrial Metal sounds into their music. They have only existed since 2019, and in those five years they have tried to glide into a certain vibe that they feel comfortable with. In 2021 that resulted in their debut album, wisely called “In The Eye Of Death We Are All The Same”. I must admit that I do not know any of the music that is presented on that disc. Now, some three years later, their sophomore album “There Is A Place For Me On Earth” has hit the shelves and music streaming sites.

What I can only say is that these Germans must be very angry and/or tense, as they only go for full throttle intensity on all their songs. In just over 32 minutes you will hear singer Simon Muller spill his guts in the most convincing way. Is that a problem? Usually not, but if the music you make is as intense as that of DEFOCUS, it is wise to have some moments where you can regroup, pick up your brains from the floor, put your eyes back in their sockets. Now I just feel utterly exhausted after listening to the full “There Is A Place For Me On Earth” experience.

Don’t get me wrong, these guys know how to handle their instruments, know how to play. They also are very capable of mixing the live instruments with the computerised ones. It sometimes reminds me of the vibe that REVOLTING COCKS used to have. They do have a good thing going there. The only thing I can wish for is that they use more variety in their intensities, dare to go slower when needed, dare to be emotional and/or vulnerable. That will definitely enhance the quality of the album as a whole. As for the songs individually, they are all lacking real depth, all of them just feel shallow and unfinished, as if DEFOCUS started putting ideas down and was forced to record those ideas before they were fully worked out, analysed and fine-tuned. And to make a final statement about how I feel about DEFOCUS and this album “There Is A Place For Me On Earth”; if it wasn’t for a very adequate production, this album would have been a grave mistake. Now it is one that has promise, but just hasn’t delivered.

5 / 10









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"There Is A Place For Me On Earth" Track-listing:

1. Let The Bond Be My Grave
2. Biased
3. Watch Me Bleed
4. Consumed By You
5. Crooked Mind
6. Don’t Let It Hurt Me
7. Hybrid Anthem
8. … To Not Feel Anything
9. Flatlines
10. There Is A Place For Me On Earth

Defocus Lineup:


Simon Muller // vocals
Jeffrey Uhlmann //guitar
Marcel “BamBam” Heberling //bass
Jonas Mahler //drums


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