
Declared Dead

Belgium’s DECLARED DEAD presents their 2024 LP "Necrodeist", a collection that aims to blend the ferocity of black, death, and thrash metal into a cohesive whole. With ten years of experience under their belts, one might expect a more sophisticated compositional approach, yet much of this album feels like it’s still in the early stages of exploration. Each track has its merits, but the overall sound often lacks the depth and complexity that would elevate it to standout status.
October 15, 2024

The album opens with “Sanguinary Libations,” a track that sets a rather basic tone for what’s to follow. While there are dissonant passages woven throughout the solos, they often feel disjointed rather than purposefully chaotic. The song doesn't quite capture the listener’s attention, falling into a pattern of predictable riffs and rhythms that fail to build the intensity needed for an impactful opening statement. There’s potential here, but it remains largely unrealized, leaving the listener wanting a stronger hook or thematic development.

Following this is “Manifest the Present,” which attempts to navigate the waters between thrash and black metal. At times, the song feels somewhat aimless, as if it’s searching for a solid foundation but struggling to find one. The energy fluctuates, and while there are moments of promising aggression, the composition lacks the support needed to hold the listener’s interest. It feels as though the band is still refining their identity, trying to balance the speed of thrash with the atmosphere of black metal, but ultimately falling short of a cohesive execution.

“A Crowning Bereavement” introduces keyboards that, while rare in their usage, fail to add the richness that might enhance the overall sound. The composition remains very basic, with solos that lean into dissonance but don’t offer much resolution. The attempt at incorporating different elements is commendable, but it ultimately feels like a missed opportunity. The keyboard presence feels almost tacked on, lacking the integration that could have created a more immersive experience. This track underscores a recurring theme throughout the album: a need for more thoughtful arrangement and layering.

In contrast, “Ziggurat of Eschaton” emerges as a stronger offering, showcasing a more pronounced thrash influence. The riffs here pack a bit more punch, and there are flashes of what DECLARED DEAD is capable of when they fully lean into their thrash roots. However, the drumming doesn't quite match the energy of the guitars, leading to an imbalance that detracts from the overall impact. It’s evident that this song carries more momentum, but it still falls short of fully capitalizing on its potential.

“Circling the Drain” concludes this segment of the album with a deeper exploration of sound. Here, the band ventures into more atmospheric territory, incorporating various effects that lend a black metal vibe. This track feels more introspective, hinting at a complexity that’s been largely absent in earlier compositions. While it offers a glimpse into a more nuanced approach, it also raises questions about why this depth wasn't present in the earlier tracks.

Overall, "Necrodeist" showcases the potential of DECLARED DEAD but often settles for a more basic approach that leaves much to be desired. The album feels like a work in progress, hinting at ideas and structures that could develop into something more profound with time and experience. The vocals, while sometimes effective, often lack the power and variety needed to make a lasting impact. There’s a certain repetitiveness that detracts from the overall listening experience, suggesting a need for more dynamic delivery. DECLARED DEAD has a foundation to build upon, but the journey ahead will require a more ambitious exploration of their sound and a deeper commitment to composition and production.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Necrodeist" Track-listing:

1. Sanguinary Libations
2. Manifest the Present
3. A Crowning Bereavement
4. Ziggurat of Eschaton
5. Circling the Drain
6. As the Mystery Unfolds
7. Liquidation of Anachronisms
8. A God Amongst Ruins
9. The Soul Grifter
10. Gateway to the Cosmic Garden

Declared Dead Lineup:

Anders Milovovich Vocals, Guitars
Deiter Cox Bass
Mikhel Van Zaal Drums, Keyboards
Dimitri Nagel III Guitars

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