Defilers Of The Light


“Defilers Of The Light” is a symbiosis of traditional Death Metal elements and doom-laden, epic, melodic elements enriched with melancholy
September 1, 2024

DARKENED are an international band with members from Sweden and Canada. The Death Metal outfit were formed in 2018 and released three EPs and two full-length albums so far. Album number three is called “Defilers Of The Light” and was mixed and mastered by Lawrence Mackrory (BLOODBATH; FRANTIC AMBER; KATATONIA) at Rorysound Studios. It has a length of 43 minutes, and it was released via Norwegian Black and Death Metal specialists Edged Circle Productions. The album starts with the acoustic, tension-building intro “Waves Of Desolation”, transitioning into the album’s title track. “Defilers Of The Light” is a fast, traditional Death Metal track with crushing guitar riffing, a few-blast beats and growling vocals that are varying between the deeper to medium end of the guttural range. The track is embedded into a grim melodic framework, which is in particular evident from the chorus parts, which have epic and melancholic features at a measured tempo.

Defilers Of The Light” is the official lyric video release, and the YouTube link is provided below. “Those Who Dwell Below” starts a bit sluggish leading into a mid-tempo verse part. However, it does not take long for the track to become frantic and from then onwards, the track is alternating between mid-tempo and insane tempo. The break switches then back again to the beginnings of the track with epic melodies at a measured tempo. The riffing is thunderous throughout the track, and it is intensified during the chorus parts. “In Praise Of Shadows” is a track that starts at a measured tempo for the verse parts. The melodies are bone-chilling, and the riffing is direct and aggressive. There are tempo and rhythm switches throughout the track. The verses are mid-tempo parts with almost anthemic chorus lines. It is one of the darkest tracks on the album and one of my favorites. Just Close Your Eyes” continues with the grim Death Metal assault. It is a switch between faster verse parts and epic chorus parts at a measured tempo. While the verse parts are based on the traditional Swedish Death Metal rhythms, the chorus parts introduce a lot of doom and gloom into the track.

Echoes Of Solitude” is an atmospheric and acoustic inter-lude. “On We Slaughter” has a powerful start with epic melodies leading into the fast verse parts. The riffing is tight and direct and are supported by a lot of double-bass drumming. While the verse parts are fast and aggressive, the bridges and chorus parts come at a measured tempo put into an epic framework with melodies that have at least melancholic features in parts. “Dead Inside” starts with direct and punishing riffs supported by the lead guitars, leading into the verse parts at mid-tempo. There are subtle changes in tempo and rhythm for the chorus parts, which enhances the darkness of the track. While the verse and chorus parts fit to each other in terms of the melodies, the break provides a real break in terms of everything: tempo, rhythm, and melodies. However, DARKENED manage to circle back to the verse part quite well. The track finishes in an unusual manner with the piano and melancholy in the melodies. Masses Of Vein Observance” starts very powerful with thunderous riffs and orientally inspired melodies. Verse and chorus parts follow a sluggish, head-banging rhythm. The riffing is accompanied by a lot of double-bass drumming. The melodies of the track are blood-freezing throughout. The chorus parts are quite lengthy, but the chorus line ia almost anthemic. Highlight is the very contributing lead guitar solo during the break.

Masses Of Vein Observance” is with almost seven minutes the longest album track. A bit faster and a bit more traditional is “As Apocalypse Dawns”. The verse parts are frantic and blisteringly fast with simple, direct, and aggressive riffing. The bridges introduce a couple of twists in tempo and rhythm however, the track remains fast with exception of the break. The break introduces epic and bone-chilling melodies at a measured tempo. It does not take long until the track becomes hammering again. “As Apocalypse Dawns” is one of my album favorites. The album closes with “Final Sanctuary”, which is a short track at a measured tempo with melancholic melodies. DARKENED delivers their best and arguably their darkest album so far. “Defilers Of The Light” is a symbiosis of traditional Death Metal elements and doom-laden, epic, melodic elements enriched with melancholy. This mixture works very well for most tracks as the songwriting is mature and DARKENED can rely on an excellent vocalist to keep all song elements excellently together. The album is well produced. “Defilers Of The Light” is a very organic album and certainly one of the best Death Metal albums I listened to in recent times. Death Metal fans who love epic and melancholic twists will be excited about the new DARKENED album.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Defilers Of The Light" Track-listing:
  1. Waves Of Desolation
  2. Defilers Of The Light
  3. Those Who Dwell Below
  4. In Praise Of Shadows
  5. Just Close Your Eyes
  6. Echoes Of Solitude
  7. On We Slaughter
  8. Dead Inside
  9. Masses Of Vein Observance
  10. As Apocalypse Dawns
  11. Final Sanctuary
Darkened Lineup:

Gord Olson Vocals

Hempa Brynolfsson Guitars

Linus Nyrbrant Guitars

Perra Karlsson Drums

Tobias Cristiansson Bass


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