The Fallen Princess


The symphonic elements didn’t take over the sound, but even if they did, we would be left with the music underneath, which is too simple and one-dimensional. Perhaps the oddest part of the band and album are that they a sextet from France, which is often known for its inventiveness in Metal.
March 21, 2024

DAMNATIONIS is an Extreme Metal band formed in 2018. The band's musical style evolved to a Symphonic Black Death Metal. The lyrical themes are influenced by Gothic literature, mythology & horror. Today it is a major group on the Extreme Metal scene in Lorraine, so they have forged a solid reputation on stage and have been able to play with international groups. The album here has ten songs.

“Melkor Melody” is a short instrumental intro to “Dominus…Spiritus…Satanas.” The vocal are wicked high pitched screams and the drums roll in unison with the riffs. There are also some light symphonic elements in the background, but they don’t take over the music. It’s all about support. “Possessed” has a similar sound, and the band isn’t really doing much exploration, although there is a bit of symphonics in the middle of the song. “Satan’s Prophecy” shows the third song in a row without much deviation or variation. Although the song sounds evil, the riffs are simple, and so if the formula used to create them.

“Path to Hell” is really the first song with some variation—the opening sequence has some simulated brass. From there, however, the song plods along slowly and without much in the way of excitement. “Robber of Dream” is much like the other songs on the album. Black Metal can be very inventive, but one has to be willing to take risks. You can even keep an ode to the forefathers, but you have to be willing to forge your own path. The title track isn’t much better. There is an odd cadence to the vocals at times that really don’t go with the music.

“God is the Devil” start off promising, with some ominous tones, but it falls to quickly into the same sound once again. The short instrumental “Echoes of Azathoth” closes the album, without much in the way of sonority. Overall, the symphonic elements didn’t take over the sound, but even if they did, we would be left with the music underneath, which is too simple and one-dimensional. Perhaps the oddest part of the band and album are that they a sextet from France, which is often known for its inventiveness in Metal.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"The Fallen Princess" Track-listing:

1. Melkor Melody

2. Dominus...Spiritus...Satanas

3. Possession

4. Satan's Prophecy

5. Path to Hell

6. Robber of Dream

7. The Fallen Princess

8. God is the Devil

9. Damnationis

10. Echoe of Azathoth


Damnationis Lineup:

Patrice Bresson – Vocals

Stephane Leonardi – Guitars

Jean-Philippe Piscione – Guitars

Adrien Martin – Bass

Jeremy Hubert – Drums

Cyrielle Mantini – Keyboards


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