
Crimson Veil

This was an excellent album that shifted often with mixed emotions...sometimes stalwart and angry, and other times sad, the two contrasting sounds kept the album alive, and the listener on their toes, because you never know what might be around the corner.
September 3, 2024

Creating unique, sinister soundscapes, the UK based outfit CRIMSON VEIL -- consisting of four talented multi-instrumentalists -- ingeniously combines elements of rock, metal and film music while lyrically covering esoteric topics, accompanied by dark visual aesthetics. Their members originally come from different band projects and bring an impressive touring history across the UK, the US and Mexico. The album has nine songs, and “Hex” is first. Out of the gate, is has a dark, steady electronic pulse, followed by female vocal harmonies. The bottom end of the song is weight, but also tempered with smooth, catchy vocals, and it turns much darker with the addition of harsh vocals.

“Ribbons” has a gentler, more melancholy sound, like a stretch of rainy days that you just can’t escape. It almost sounds like an escape song…a brief escape from the humdrum of your day. “Shift” features the steady thud of meaty bass guitar notes that play with the gentle vocals quite well. The skies continue to shift, from dark to light, and back again, and the song has a mysterious quality to it. “Illuminate” swings that album back to a doleful, depressive sound, and so far, the balance between anger and despair on the album is noteworthy. “Opulence” begins with more thick bass guitar notes as well as a good deal of tension, and the vocals are gentle and depressive once more. The backing orchestral elements are nice, but those harsh vocals cut through them with sharp, deep fangs.

“Joyless” has a heavier and more aggressive sound, but like a wolf when a princess appears, it ducks back to the shadows and watches patiently. Again, the song is catchy, in a depressive sort of way. “Awake” sounds like someone stirring from a dream, slowly. It’s that sort of twilight feeling where the night is close to overtaking the day. It has smooth, gentle vocals at first, followed by harsh vocals and a heavy, weighted sound. The dream isn’t as innocuous as you first thought. “Task” closes the album, and it clocks in at 12 minutes. There is plenty of time to explore. The opening sequence is harsh, and torturous, especially from the vocals fry, but sad, gentle qualities follow, and the two competing styles are locked in combat from there.

This was an excellent album that shifted often with mixed emotions...sometimes stalwart and angry, and other times sad, the two contrasting sounds kept the album alive, and the listener on their toes, because you never know what might be around the corner.

8 / 10









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"Hex" Track-listing:

1. Hex

2. Ribbons

3. Flinch

4. Shift

5. Illuminate

6. Opulence

7. Joyless

8. Awake

9. Task


Crimson Veil Lineup:

Mishkin Fitzgerald – Vocals

Garry Mitchell – Guitars

Hana Piranha – Strings

Anna Mylee – Drums


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