
Corpsefucking Art

The Italian death metal force CORPSEFUCKING ART returns with their latest offering, "Tomatized," a concept album that takes the listener on a thrilling, visceral ride through an apocalyptic vision of humanity’s downfall—this time at the hands of bio-engineered, monstrous tomatoes. The theme is both absurd and darkly thought-provoking, a dystopian reflection on mad science, unchecked corporate greed, and the fragile ecological web we've manipulated without considering the consequences. With stunning artwork that captures an overwhelming tomato invasion crushing civilization, buildings buried beneath an unstoppable crop, "Tomatized," paints a vivid picture of ecological catastrophe.
October 22, 2024

The album kicks off with its title track, "Tomatized", starting with an eerie intro perfect for the Halloween season. People’s terrified screams echo in the background, as if witnessing the monstrous tomato crop’s terrifying rise, setting an unsettling atmosphere from the very first moment. Right from the first note, you can feel the tension build. The guitars growl and churn, creating a thick wall of sound that pulls you deeper into the madness. The riffing is tight and precise, slicing through the mix with a perfect balance of brutality and groove. There’s an undeniable energy here, as if the song itself is alive, threatening to overtake everything in its path—much like the relentless tomatoes in the story. The guttural vocals roar with the fury of a mad scientist watching their experiment spiral out of control, conjuring images of unnatural creations gone horribly wrong. The relentless drums drive the track forward, pounding like the heartbeat of a world on the brink of collapse. Each element builds on the next, immersing the listener in a sonic depiction of destruction, fear, and unstoppable biological madness.

"Hell Of The Living Dead" follows, a track that wastes no time in upping the intensity. Here, CORPSEFUCKING ART plays with speed and aggression, with blast beats and vicious riffs raining down like an ecological disaster in full swing. The lyrics speak of a world consumed by its own hubris, as the human race falls victim to its bio-engineered nightmares. There’s a precision in the chaos, with every instrument perfectly aligned to create a sense of overwhelming doom. Yet, beneath the surface, there’s a deeper commentary on the recklessness of scientific advancement, a warning about the ethical dangers of playing god with nature.

The track "Blood Kitchen Garden" doesn’t slow the pace much, but it does deepen the sense of looming disaster with its pulsating bass riff that immediately signals catastrophe. The song maintains the speed and ferocity that defines CORPSEFUCKING ART’s sound, with the guitars roaring like a storm of blades cutting through the chaos. The chorus, however, takes a darker turn—slower and very deep, creating a haunting contrast before returning to the intense, relentless energy that dominates the track. The bass riff is like a pulse of doom, driving the song forward as if announcing the arrival of something monstrous. The drumming is furious and precise, pounding through the mix with brutal consistency. The growls feel primal, as if they come from the very soil that has birthed this nightmare, angry at the monstrous life it has been forced to bear. There’s an undeniable weight to this track, as if the blood-soaked garden it evokes is not just a metaphor, but a living, breathing menace. It's a crushing mix of heaviness and primal fear, pulling the listener further into the chaos of the tomato apocalypse.

"Alien vs Tomator" brings a frenetic energy that borders on chaos, much like the collision of two titanic forces fighting for dominance. The riffs are ferocious, tearing through the track with an almost primal ferocity. There’s an unrelenting sense of urgency here, as if the battle for Earth’s fate is happening in real time, with every note symbolizing another clash between alien and mutant tomato. The solos here are a particular highlight, shredding through the mix like the final, desperate shots fired in a war that may already be lost.

The fifth track, "A Nightmare On Tomator Street", takes the listener into the realm of horror, blending aggressive riffing with unsettling melodies that evoke the feeling of being hunted by a force far beyond comprehension. The drumming here is phenomenal, constantly shifting dynamics to keep the listener on edge, while the vocals take on an almost cinematic quality, narrating the terror of a nightmare world ruled by these unnatural beings. It's the soundtrack to a living nightmare, where there is no escape from the mistakes of humanity’s own making.

Overall, "Tomatized" is a masterclass in combining raw death metal ferocity with a deeply engaging concept. CORPSEFUCKING ART has crafted an album that not only shreds musically but also offers a chilling reflection on the consequences of humanity's arrogance. The mad scientists, corporate overlords, and terrifyingly real consequences of our irresponsible "progress" are all laid bare in this unforgettable journey into a world where nature has had enough and turns against its creators. It’s an album that’s as much about what’s said between the lines as what’s screamed in your face, making it a must-listen for fans of death metal and apocalyptic horror alike.


9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Tomatized" Track-listing:

1 – Tomatized
2 – Hell Of The Living Dead
3 – Blood Kitchen Garden
4 – Alien vs Tomator
5 – A Nightmare On Tomator Street
6 – The Book Of The Dead
7 – Dead Sushi
8 – Phantasm
9 – Escape From Alpha City

Corpsefucking Art Lineup:

Frank Moretti - Vocals

Andrea Corpse - Guitar

Mario Di Giambattista - Guitar

Marco De Ritis - Bass

John De Bello - Drums

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