None For All (WormHole Death Reissue)


COMANIAC’s “None For All” has its moments. The bonus tracks, in particular, help to anchor the album to something heavier than the original nine tracks accomplish.
September 9, 2024

COMANIAC, Thrash Metal band from Switzerland, has been around for 14 years but I’m just now bumping into them because I live under a rock . . . at the bottom of the ocean . . . on Mars. On June 28 they reissued their fourth studio album, “None For All,” via WormHole Death Productions. To celebrate the occasion of their signing they added two bonus tracks to the original 2023 release. The album is a mix of solid Thrash and peripheral Punk with acoustic flourishes that are either meant to legitimize the band as serious musicians or to evoke a shocking contrast. Either way, it’s effective.

The reissue of “None For All” includes 11 tracks with a full runtime of 46 minutes. Track one, “Eye to Eye,” has a 30+ second acoustic intro which sets the template for at least three other tracks. These are positioned at regular intervals throughout the album which have the same effect as speedbumps. There is also a tepid ballad “Long Life Doll” which has a lot of acoustic elements. I know there are fans who will truly love these tracks, but I prefer my Thrash with no distractions.

With that said COMANIAC are at their best when they commit. Standout tracks are “Start the Madness” with its furious riffs and frenetic tempo; bonus track “Wormhole Death” which I presume is a tribute to their new label, and a solid tribute it is—steady and brutal; and “Desolation Manifest,” a true Thrash anthem filled with self-loathing and anger with melodic lead solos, a deconstructive breakdown, and a beer-raising chorus. On the other hand, they are at their worst when they slow down and get mellow. I could have lived the rest of my life quite happily without “Long Life Doll” and “Self Sacrifice.”

“None For All” has its moments. The bonus tracks, in particular, help to anchor the album to something heavier than the original nine tracks accomplish. The cover art is perfection, and the production values are strong. Overall, the album is solidly middle-of-the-road, not quite committing to all out vicious Thrash, but also steering clear of becoming mainstream roadkill. 


7 / 10









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"None For All (WormHole Death Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Eye to Eye

2. Desolation Manifest

3. None for All

4. Long Life Doll

5. Start the Madness

6. Nothing but Lies

7. Breakdown Rite

8. Between the Stars

9. Self Sacrifice

10. Wormhole Death

11. Satan Said


Comaniac Lineup:

Jonas Schmid – Vocals, Guitars

Stefan Häberli – Drums

Valentin Mössinger – Guitars

Tom Zürcher – Bass


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