Age of Unreason


The impressions of the dark, eerie and extreme are expressed within COLDCELLS’s works. With the […]
September 4, 2024

The impressions of the dark, eerie and extreme are expressed within COLDCELLS’s works. With the latest album “Age of Unreason” we are scaling new lows and venture deeper into social abysses and explore the (un)reason of being. How we learned to stop worrying and finding acceptance and rejoice in the end.” The album has seven songs. “Hope and Failure” is first. It has a heavy and dark sound, almost like you wandered into a basement dungeon without knowing how far down you traveled. The soundscape is harrowing, cold, and devoid of reason, and when you emerge back to the world, you are covered in filth. “Dead to the World” also has harrowing guitar tones and thick, evil sounding bass, and the two combine for a deadly creature that kills when and where it wants.

“Left” is a slow grind of hopeless tones and a deep depression. Anger rises up at times and pulls you from the depths of despair, but as soon as the outburst ends, you find yourself right back in the same position. “Solidarity or Solitude” are two forces that drive human nature in its most primal form. The song is slow, dark, and frightening, and the vocals vary from anger to despair at the flick of a switch. When he screams, you can feel it all the way down your back. “Meaningless” really gets to the heart of the album’s theme. A sultry female voice carries the early vocal work, and the sound turns aggressive, and then back to gentle once again, and from there, the two competing styles are locked in battle.

“Sink our Souls” is about that part of you that you just want to bury but keeps coming back again and again. It has a slow, depressive sound that speaks of regret, things lost, and looking back at an empty life. “Discord” closes the album, and it’s one final sprint of aggression intermixed with depression to the finish line. Overall, the album has an equal dose of anger and despondence, covered in tones of deep blue, that fade to black when you see them in the light. The band has created the key to all of those feelings that you lock away hoping to never have to confront them again. Put in the key, and turn it, and be prepared.

8 / 10









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"Age of Unreason" Track-listing:

1. Hope and Failure

2. Dead to the World

3. Left

4. Solidarity or Solitude

5. Meaningless

6. Sink our Souls

7. Discord


ColdCell Lineup:

S – Vocals

In – Bass & Samples

Ath – Guitars

DmL – Guitars

aW – Drums


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