
Cober Mouth

COBER MOUTH claim to play Nu-Metalcore, whatever that may be. I suspect a combination between Nu Metal and Metalcore. If that is so, I can tell you that Nu-Metalcore is quite accurate.
October 15, 2024

Since a few years I’ve started to appreciate Metalcore as a musical genre. That has brought some very interesting bands into my horizon and on my playlist. Now I’m about to review COBER MOUTH, and they claim to play Nu-Metalcore, whatever that may be. I suspect a combination between Nu Metal and Metalcore. I’ll tell you later whether that is correct. These guys hail from Bristol in England and have been trying and succeeding to annoy their neighbours since 2019. COBER MOUTH released their debut album “Down We Go” last year, so in 2023. I actually haven’t heard that album to date.

As for the musical direction of COBER MOUTH, I can tell you that Nu-Metalcore is quite accurate. And that in itself gives me headaches, because as far as I’m concerned, the Nu-Metal genre didn’t produce a lot of good bands, just a big number of annoying ones. What it did do is make the guitars sound more menacing, darker and scarier. The few bands that really stood out survived. Thankfully the rest didn’t, so I completely missed those. As for Metalcore, it is producing a lot of bands that are quite good, some that are really okay and a few that are exceptional. But as this musical genre is still developing, I am expecting more good bands.

So, where does COBER MOUTH stand in my ears? Well, the music the make on “Untethered” is just about as straight forward as can be. It sounds like they just want to damage my eardrums with the noises they make. I hate to say it, but the most subdued song of these five, “Open! Shut….”, which has a definite Hip Hop and EMINEM vibe is by far the best song. The others are just being loud and obnoxious, without any substance at all in the music. I have to admit that I am very thankful that this musical torture is only thirteen minutes long, as I couldn’t be able to stomach any more.

The worst thing of all is that even though the guys in COBER MOUTH might be good musicians, as they are demonstrating on “Untethered”, they really are crap song writers. So, to me it is a case of these guys finding someone to help them and write good songs before attempting to poison our ears with any more of their notes in a row. Maybe then I can be more positive about them.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Untethered" Track-listing:


1) Untethered

2) Beneath The Hydrogen

3) They’re Only There For Their Food and Then They’re There For Their Food

4) All, I Created

5) Open! Shut….


Cober Mouth Lineup:


Adam Jones (Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums, Synths, Samples)

Dylan Plenty (Drums, Vocals)

Lewis Cunningham (Guitar, Vocals)

Sam Windsor (Bass, Synths, Samples, and Vocals)


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