
Bolt Thrower

The Long awaited new Bolt Thrower album is here carrying the name of Honour- Valour-Pride. […]
By Manolis Moundrianakis
February 13, 2002
Bolt Thrower - Honour-Valour-Pride album cover

The Long awaited new Bolt Thrower album is here carrying the name of Honour- Valour-Pride. An album filled with war, rage and some serious hellfire, maybe the best Bolt Thrower album up to now.
Those of you who already knew the band must be familiar with their lust for war, well if their previous cd's had a war-like feeling this one will actually make you experience war at first hand just by listening to their awesome guitar riffs as well the straight-out-of-hell drums (of course I really don't need to say that the vocals remain as brutal as ever).
The structure of the songs are more or less the same as in mercenary, you know, kinda slow in the beginning and then a fucking great blast beat that makes you wanna bang your head till it falls off; only that this time the songs are way off more aggressive. What has to be mentioned here is the great artwork that accompanies Honour- Valour-Pride. On the cover we have a futuristic battle if you could call it a battle because the proper word for this specific artwork would be a futuristic mayhem!!! It is as if all hell broke loose! Cyborg, human and machine are melting in the fire of the battle (not in the heat of the night :b) Talking about chaos !!!
Now a common question, which also accompanies every Bolt Thrower album:  Where the hell is Jo's bass?!?!? I mean what's the point of having a bass player if you can't hear him/her playing! Other than that the production is pretty good.
There's only one word that describes the band perfectly, and that word is W-A-R!!! So all of you war-freaks and death metal fans that liked the previous Bolt Thrower albums must buy this cd, Trust me you wont be disappointed.  

8 / 10


"Honour-Valour-Pride" Track-listing:

Contact Wait Out
Inside The Wire
Suspect Hostile
7th Offensive
A Hollow Truce

Bolt Thrower Lineup:

Dave Ingram - Vocals
Baz Thomson - Rhythm/Lead Guitar
Gavin Ward - Rhythm Guitar
Jo Bench - Bass Guitar
Martin Kearns- Drums

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