The Savage Winds of Wisdom

Black Lava

This was a fantastic album, with a highly polished combination of technical elements, heavy weight, and an equal dose of harrowing elements you associate with Black Metal. It’s all wrapped up in a package that is so tight, you couldn’t squeeze in between the layers if you were as thin as paper.
June 15, 2024

From Bandcamp, “Two years after their smoldering debut, BLACK LAVA come roaring back on “The Savage Winds to Wisdom.” The Aussie’s second album erupts from the same crusted cauldron of influences. Blackened countermelodies and a hex of heavy, proggy rhythms boil amidst old-school death metal, spilling over into medieval fantasies.” “Colour of Death” is the first song. The opening riff is slow, weighted, and crushing, and there are definitely some Proggy elements here as well, especially considering how tight the band is darting in and out of separate rhythms. Dummer Presland is a beast on the kit.

“Dark Legacy” has a thick groove embedded into the caliginous sound. The slow grind gradually begins to wear you down like tires running long past their milage limits. “Wrapped in Filth” is a devious number with equal doses of punishing evil and clouds as dark and thick as thunderheads. “Unsheathing Nightmares” is another harrowing offering, and that is one feature that is a constant on the album. Even more than that, the Progressive elements allow the song to expand into broad strokes. “Summoning Shadows” might be the best song on the album. It has a combination of a razor-sharp riff that can cut through steel and beefy technical elements to remind you of the band’s level of prowess. The background is suitably filled with a nefarious atmosphere as well.

“Pagan Dust” moves with a hastier pace and the vocals are also more animated. The crunchy riff has enough teeth to bite through just about anything. “Sanguis Lupus” is dark, expansive, and highly technical in nature. Take a moment to appreciate how well oiled this machine of musicians is. The lengthy title track closes the album. Amidst the chaos are backing elements of pure terror. They appear in the foreground at times, while remaining more subtle at other times. The song charges forward like a beast roaming the tundra. Overall, this was a fantastic album, with a highly polished combination of technical elements, heavy weight, and an equal dose of harrowing elements you associate with Black Metal. It’s all wrapped up in a package that is so tight, you couldn’t squeeze in between the layers if you were as thin as paper.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"The Savage Winds of Wisdom" Track-listing:

1. Colour of Death

2. Dark Legacy

3. Wrapped In Filth

4. Unsheathing Nightmares

5. Summoning Shadows

6. Ironclad Sarcophagus

7. Pagan Dust

8. Sanguis Lupus

9. The Savage Winds to Wisdom


Black Lava Lineup:

Dan Presland – Drums

Ben Boyle – Guitar

Nick Rackham – Bass

Rob Watkins – Vocals


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