

BERGRIZEN is a Black Metal band hailing from Kyiv, Ukraine. Formed in 2007, this is […]
November 21, 2023

BERGRIZEN is a Black Metal band hailing from Kyiv, Ukraine. Formed in 2007, this is their sixth full-length album, and it has twelve songs. “To the Coasts of Bessarabia” is first. It close to seven minutes of pure mood, and you can hear the boat gently rocking back and forth. “River Ros’ Rocks” is more mood…and the birds are chirping, but a darkness hangs in the air effervescently. The next three songs are very short, and the album is now close to half over, and I haven’t really gained a sense of the band yet.

“Tavria Grace” is the first song with a little vocals thrown into the mix, and it sounds a little more traditional when you think of Black Metal. “Siveria Magic” is another song with some brief vocals, but the song seems more bent on mood once again. The bass work is excellent, as are the elements filling the background. With a surprised moan, the song suddenly shifts into the light. I believe I am finally starting to understand the album. The final five songs are all under three minutes in length. “The Winds of the Mines” depicts an angry mood…or a sense of retribution. “Sloboda Ukraine in Winter” paints a gorgeous picture of what this cold land might be like, as well and the pride of its citizens.

“Polissya Forests and Volhynia Swamps” closes the album, with more moody tones. One thing that is clear after taking in these 12 songs is that the album is very personal to the vision of the composer. Only a few songs have vocals, and much of the album wanders for me without coming back to a central theme. However, many of the songs had subtle melodies that broke out every now and again, to my liking. For Black Metal fans who aren’t afraid of trying something new, this might be the album you go to.


7 / 10









"Orthania" Track-listing:

1. To the Coasts of Bessarabia

2. River Ros' Rocks

3. Bukovina Landscapes

4. Carpathian Shield of Galicia

5. On the Way to Khust

6. Tavria Grace

7. Siveria Magic

8. The Winds of the Mines

9. Khortytsia – the Heart of Power

10. Spring in Podil

11. Sloboda Ukraine in Winter

12. Polissya Forests and Volhynia Swamps


Bergrizen Lineup:

Myrd'raal – Vocals


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