Auf Zerfetzten Schwingen

From Bandcamp, “Auf zerfetzten Schwingen" marks the return of the melancholic dark metal signature AUTUMNBLAZE sound after the dreamy and more ethereal "Welkin Shores Burning.” With songs like "Die Unseligen", "Niedertracht" or "Zerfetzt,” AUTUMNBLAZE prove that they still can combine darkest metal and melancholic harmonies to a unique sound. The album has nine songs. “Die Unseligen” is first. It’s an interesting sound. Sung in native German, the sound varies from hardened structures to more ethereal ones, and the vocals from harsh utterances to cleans. As a listener, you feel the ebb and flow. “Niedertracht” follows this same ebb and flow, sometimes sounding melancholy and even depressive, while other times the voice of anger rears up. It’s a delicate balance that the band maintains. “Offenes Grab” has a much softer palate, and it a smooth ride over the type of long highway that doesn’t have any bumps, and just gives you plenty of time to contemplate things.
“Auf zerfetzten Schwingen” has deeply depressive and hopeless tones, and the emotive vocals reflect that feeling. The cadence of the vocals really draws in the listener into this world of everlasting grey. “Vater Mutter Kind” has pretty tones at first, where the dark melodies flow in and out like the passing of storm clouds, and there are angry outbursts as well. “Der letzte Gruß” is a short interlude of pensive thoughts and introspective feelings. “Morast” makes good use of subtle melodies and that extended feeling of regret that creeps up in your mind is extended even longer in this song. “Zefetzt” closes the album, and it’s back to that delicate balance once more. Overall, I really enjoyed the album. As I mentioned before, it’s all about that precarious balance that on one side keeps the listener from being overly excited, and on the other side, keeps them from falling into the abyss. It’s a skill that the band plays with quite well.
8 / 10

"Auf Zerfetzten Schwingen" Track-listing:
1. Die Unseligen
2. Niedertracht
3. Offenes Grab
4. Auf zerfetzten Schwingen
5. Wie soll ich dir ein Morgen schenken
6. Vater Mutter Kind
7. Der letzte Gruß
8. Morast
9. Zerfetzt
Autumnblaze Lineup:
Markus B. – Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Arisjel – Drums, Percussion
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