The Return of the Frozen Souls


ASHTAR is a blackened doom metal band from Switzerland who formed in 2012. Their latest […]
October 21, 2024

ASHTAR is a blackened doom metal band from Switzerland who formed in 2012. Their latest album, “The Return of the Frozen Souls,” is their fourth full-length. I enjoyed “Wandering Through Time” quite a bit so I was excited to see they have returned so soon! Well I say “they” but it's actually more of a one-Person project. Witch N/Nadine is the musician (also in the band Ernte, who released a really good album this year too). She definitely knows her way around both black and doom. This album is raw and wild but mouthful and darkly melodic as well. It's aggressive when it need to be, in both subtle and not so subtle ways, But has enough mood changes and morbid curiosity in it to satisfy doom fans. The tempo is slow to mid-paced but it isn't overly lumbering. The songs actually remain quite busy; not in a chaotic way but there is always something going on to catch the ears. Fans of both black and doom metal wkll enjoy this album, even fans who may only like one of the genres.

The title track begins the album in a surprisingly gentle and quiet way. But it's so foreboding as well….and it come to fruition around the the 1:30 mark. A slow, dense riff and tribal like drums set the tone as disturbing screams haunt the tones. The faster paced part in the middle is just as heavy on the atmosphere, with the double bass being as cold raindrops pouring from a derelict sky. The album itself is laced with a cold atmosphere, chills straight to the bone but the visceral nature cuts just as deep, spilling warm blood as the music envelops you. The bass on “Glowing Darknes” sets up a Perfect storm of Doomed intensity and makes for a great tone for the guitars to come on. The drumming is hard and tight, a good anchor for the abrasive vocals to scrape across.This song has several of thealbums's best riffs but the melodies throughout the song compliment the structure well.

L’âme Perdue,” is my favorite on the album because it's so damn sinister sounding. The tempo of the buildup is slow but effortlessly let's the song sprawl out naturally. This is the kind of song that just sinks into the senses and hangs on tight. All in all, ASHTAR's “The Return of the Frozen Souls” is an album that captures the essence of both doom and black metal.

8 / 10









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"The Return of the Frozen Souls" Track-listing:
  1. The Return of the Frozen Souls
  2. Rauhnächte! Feuernächte!
  3. Glowing Guardians
  4. Winter Solstice
  5. L’âme Perdue
  6. Der Zorn der Göttin
  7. Let the Day Begin (Samhain cover)
Ashtar Lineup:

Witch N - All

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