From Bandcamp, “APOGEAN drew their inspiration from such groups as Soreption, The Faceless, Obscura, Necrophagist, The Black Dahlia Murder, Archspire, and The Zenith Passage. It’s a safe bet that fans of those bands will thoroughly enjoy what they have to offer.” The new album here has ten songs. “Bluelight Sonata” is first. Out of the gates, it has a highly tight and technical sound with guttural vocals, some glittering leads, and some deft meter shifting. At times, the vocals vary to mid-register utterances.
“Thousand Yard Glare” is also a very tight arrangement, but the band works in some electronic sounds to keep the listener on their toes. The lead guitarist’s work is also excellent, and it is evident that this band has talent. “With Which Ear You’ll Listen” is a faster moving song and just try to count the meter here…it is an exercise in futility. They also work in some background ambiance to ensure the sound doesn’t thin out. “Imposter Reborn” has a darker sound at times, while other times there is just enough melody that escapes from the small cracks in the structure. Tech Metal can be very one-dimensional, but this band makes sure their sound is interesting.
“Hueman (The Pleasure of Burn)” begins with some melodic clean guitars before it descends into madness. Here, the band shows their creativity even further. Then comes the short but tightly wrapped “Polybius,” which is like opening the doors on a clown car and seeing too many people escape the tiny space. During its short run time, it boasts many different elements that are very hard to count. “Spinthariscope” has such a well-developed sound that it seems like the band is bringing everything to the table including the proverbial kitchen sink. Soak in the interlude with electronica and thick bass notes…they can surprise you at every turn.
“An(t)imus” closes the album, and it’s six-minutes of angry snakes left hungry for months before being let loose in your room. They attack with an unrelenting fury. Wind up the rope as tightly as possible, and then step back and let it go…that is the sound that comes through strongest on the album. Yet, within the confines of their impossibly tight structures, melodies escape somehow. The music isn’t as cold and sterile as one might expect…it breathes. This is a very talented band with an expansive take on the genre
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Cyberstrictive" Track-listing:
1. Bluelight Sonata
2. Thousand-Yard Glare
3. Distance (Of Walls and Wails)
4. With Which Ear You'll Listen
5. Imposter Reborn
6. Within the Bounds of a Simile
7. Hueman (The Pleasure of Burn)
8. Polybius
9. Spinthariscope
10. An(t)imus
Apogean Lineup:
Dexter Forbes – Guitar
Jack Post – Guitar
Jacob Wagner – Drums
Robert Tam – Bass
Mac Smith – Vocals
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