Incendium Excitare


In some moment in our lives into Metal scene, we have to stand quiet and […]
July 5, 2016
Apathie - Incendium Excitare album cover

In some moment in our lives into Metal scene, we have to stand quiet and make a question for ourselves: what is the best, to go to the future or stay where we are? This question (or something like that) appears when we think how will be Metal in the future. I made it to myself back on the end of the year of 1986, because I was worried how the bands I loved back then would be in the future, and if some new band would keep the flame of those days alive.

My answer is simple: the combination between bands that are doing something good in the old day's way, and those who are doing something new and fresh, is the aspects that keep me here, proud and still being a Metallian. And bands like the German trio APATHIE keep the spirit alive. Give a listening on "Incendium Excitare", and understand what I mean.Their music is defined by a simple term: Black Metal.

Yes, just Black Metal, no more words. The definition of their music needs more words, so we can say that the trio plays a form of Old School Black Metal, in the same way of the ancients like MAYHEM and DARKTHRONE, and in this simple form, they do a very good work, using an aggressive and morbid insight, and even some sad and darkened melodies (like WATAIN used on their earlier works). So it is truly full of energy and charming due the morbid way. And besides they aren't presenting anything new, they are pretty good, indeed.Their sound quality is raw in the same way of the old bands I named above, but with a notion that we need to understand what they are playing to absorb their music in the best way. So "Incendium Excitare" has a clarity sense, of course.

They have done a good work on the album, and their songs are samples as a Black Metal band in the ways of the SWOBM (Second Wave of Black Metal, remember?) must sound. So we can hear "Grau I: Frost" with its sinister and darkened feeling (with great changes on tempos, done with excellent guitars and shrieked vocals), the aggressive and with a death scent "Der Psalm Des Häretikers" (again a fine exhibition of the guitars, but on this one, bass guitar and drums are presenting a very good work, indeed), the somber show of morbid tempos on "Zerfall" (the slow paced tempos rules almost the entire song, what makes us all understand their musical technique, especially on guitar riffs) and "Grau III: Fieberwahn" (this one is faster, but keeping that Black Metal aesthetical sense on the whole song, showed on the rhythmic kitchen work), and the atmospheric and dark hypnosis that exists on "Extremum Initium Est" and its good work on vocals. Not the newest thing on Earth, but it's very good.

8 / 10









"Incendium Excitare" Track-listing:

1. Non Sequitur
2. Grau I: Frost
3. Der Psalm Des Häretikers
4. Zerfall
5. Grau II: Schwarzer Schnee
6. Frangere Voluntatem
7. Grau III: Fieberwahn
8. Extremum Initium Est
9. Asche

Apathie Lineup:

Saerk - Vocals, bass
Sulphur - Guitars
Grond - Drums

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