

From their EPK, “It's hard to stick a label on this album. With a Metal […]
November 17, 2023

From their EPK, “It's hard to stick a label on this album. With a Metal base, a Symphonic and Progressive vibe gives to certain tracks a unique color sometimes epic or melancholic approaching many topics, actual or not, but always is a metaphoric way. The point of this album is to invite you to travel and discover a colorful, atypical and diversified universe that externalize emotions and atonic feelings.” The album has ten songs.

“Eveil” is first…a short, instrumental opener, setting the mood for the album. “Affronter ses idées noires” has some excellent bass work and is sung in native French. The music is a bit on the odd side however, which is given for the genre, but unfortunately not in a pleasing way. The harsh vocal passage at the end for example doesn’t feel part of the song. “Heylel” features melancholic female vocals, along with some piano and keys. The song has a depressive feeling to it, and the riff could be beefed up a bit. Again, the harsh vocals don’t work at all. “La vie au temps” is another female led piano number. Through four songs now, I would label this music as Symphonic Metal, because there are very little Progressive elements.

“Ne jamais douter” has a little more of a bite to it, but the constant longing in the vocals is getting old. Of the pair of vocalists, I prefer the female voice. The male voice is not soothing to me. “Berzerkir” has some nice piano and acoustic guitar work, but again, is pretty grey in its delivery. The harsh vocals ruin the song for me, and the transition to the darker style was not seamless. “Naufrage” is a delicate piano led song with female vocals. The heavier side of this song works better for me. I hate to draw this comparison, but the song sounds like something you might hear in a Chinese restaurant. “Nouvelle ere” has more of that energy I was craving, along with a thicker backbone. Still, it’s too thin overall. Besides the decent bass work, the riffs seem to get lost.

“Valse des songes” closes the album, and it has a very thin riff and more vocal laments. Overall, the album was unfortunately quite underwhelming. Many of the songs had a heavy tone of depression and lamenting. The male vocalist was pretty rough, and the songs were thin. This band needs a good deal of work to bring themselves up to par.


3 / 10









"Eveil " Track-listing:


1. Eveil

2. Affronter ses idées noires

3. Heylel

4. La vie au temps

5. Ne jamais douter

6. Berzerkir

7. Naufrage

8. Nouvelle ere

9. Chrysalide

10. Valse des songes


Antipod Lineup:


Jémina Robineau – Vocals

Stéphane Monserrat – Vocals

Elias Bouabib – Guitars, Backing Vocals

Bilel Adda – Guitars

Aurélien Braun – Drums

Matthieu Lucet – Bass

Sébastien Lelong – Keyboards


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