Anti Mortem
Anti Mortem
January 26, 2022

Where is this album? Has it even been released yet? I've been trying to look it up, and all I seem to be able to find is older releases, spanning back to 2020, and 2014 respectively. From Oklahoma...Oklahoma? Do these guys even exist? There is a burgeoning metal scene in Oklahoma? Alright, up is down, down is up, cats love dogs, and kick-ass, modern metal comes from fly-over's official, "nothing" makes any sense anymore. Or, maybe it just makes as little sense as anything else has since 2020? I don't know, but if surviving this last year had a look, and feel to it, it would probably sound a bit like this album.
You've said it, I've said it...I've had it said to me, and so have you...and for the same reasons. Just the same, ANTI-MOREM invented a new way to deliver it. The first song, "Shut The Fuck Up!" puts it as plainly as the term itself. I just want to type out all the lyrics. Times I spouted off, and spoke out of turn as a kid, listening to someone pontificate about something I know a hell of a lot more about than they do....yeah, STFU! The second song "Yeah Right" has a lot of KORN in it's teeth. The sluggish bass-heavy rhythm, and general groove to the beat could have got this included on Life Is Peachy, and no one would really be able to tell the difference, save the absence of Jonathan's voice. This and "The Good Life" really made me feel like ANTI-MORTEM's sound was more akin to nu-metal bands, like KORN, and DOPE, as opposed to other bands we've seen come out of the southern states, such as PANTERA," and CROWBAR.
"Back And Forth" was a bit of a departure. For one, it had some rap elements to the verses, and one of the first discernible leads/lead breaks on the album. I'm sure there were some leads before then, but for whatever reason, I didn't really notice any until this song. Sparse, and mildly muted, but there just the same. Actually it was the first song to have a lead break, (I checked later), but not the last. "Old Washita" has a nice, little country-inspired flourish of leads, at about 2 minutes.
Although there was a country-flavor to this album, it was like a bit of barbecue sauce on the side, as opposed to a rack of ribs, dripping off the bone. I think it might have been a little more liberally applied to this contribution if it had some actual leads. 4 songs out of 7 had not so much as leads harmonizing over rhythm parts, much less actual lead-breaks. To me this is almost as bad as sickeningly-technical, instrumental-only bands. It just feels like wasted opportunity. In the case of this album, I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call anything about it a "wasted opportunity", but I do feel like they could have taken it a little further. What leads are found on this album are tight, and native to the feel of the rest of the album. It makes me wonder if maybe their lead guitarist wasn't present for most of the recording, and by the time he got there, they only had time to record lead parts for a couple of songs.
5 / 10

"Anti Mortem" Track-listing:
2. Yeah Right
3. The Good Life
4. Raca
5. Money
6. Back And Forth
7. Old Washita
Anti Mortem Lineup:
Larado Romo - Vocals
Nevada Romo - Guitar
Arik Hanradt - Guitar
Colby Thompson - Bass
Tim Braun - Drums
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