To Bear the Weight of Death


Overall, it wasn’t a bad album per se, and it has moments of diversity, but it just failed to make it off the ground and become memorable for me.
March 12, 2024

ANDRACCA is a Black Metal band formed in the UK in 2016. This album is the band’s second, and it has six songs. The title track is first. It has a very slow moving pace, with vocal screams, and that familiar “one, two” step that often characterizes the genre. Some desperate tones blend in, giving the song a hopeless tone as well as a raging hatred. “Rise, or be Forever Fall’n” also has a slow, grinding, and desperate pace and sound that picks up with the advent of double bass drum strikes, and grows steadily in power. This song also has some riff variations, which is something that you don’t often hear in the genre.

“Oceans of Fire” is a full on rager of hate, anger and revenge, and meaty bass notes carry some of the song along with the riff. The burning pace sets ablaze the entrails that follow behind the carnage. It segues into “Antithesis of Hope,” which hears the angry and hopeless sound continue, but they have to be careful running two songs together, as there are only six on the album. Listen to the leads hear…another feature you don’t often hear in Black Metal…they are tastefully done. “Lamentation of Divinity” also has a plethora of desperate sound, almost as if the world is ending. What you will find on the other side is not unicorns and rainbows, but disease, chaos, and death.

“Hollow Altars” closes the album. It has more of that combination between desperation and aggression. Overall, it wasn’t a bad album per se, and it has moments of diversity, but it just failed to make it off the ground and become memorable for me.

5 / 10









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"To Bear the Weight of Death" Track-listing:

1. To Bare the Weight of Death

2. Rise, or be Forever Fall'n

3. Oceans of Fire

4. Antithesis of Hope

5. Lamentation of Divinity

6. Hollow Altars


Andracca Lineup:

K.DWS – Guitars, Vocals

P.BND – Bass

K.VKS – Guitars

L.FOG – Drums


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