Tower of High Sorcery


Bring on the Heavy Metal from Greece!! "ACHELOUS", the name that conjures images of mythic […]
August 25, 2024

Bring on the Heavy Metal from Greece!! "ACHELOUS", the name that conjures images of mythic power and heroic grandeur, has returned with their latest full length release, "Tower of High Society". This album solidifies the band's position as a formidable force in the power metal genre, blending epic battles with dragons, and technical prowess and electrifying compositions. From the opening track, “Dragon Wings,” listeners are immediately thrust into a world of thunderous riffs and soaring vocals. The song’s galloping rhythm and intricate guitar work set the tone for what promises to be an exhilarating journey. Lead vocalist Chris Kappas's delivery is both commanding and emotive, effortlessly navigating between powerful  choruses and more subdued verses. His voice, rich and resonant, is complemented perfectly by Giannis Roussis’ Thundering drums, creating anthems that feel both timeless and fresh.

Both guitarists George Mavrommatis and Haris Dinos deliver performances that are nothing short of spectacular. Their solos are intricate and virtuosic, yet never feel overindulgent. "Istar (Blood Red Sea)” is a prime example of their technical skill, with a shredding solo that transitions smoothly into a melodic bridge, showcasing their ability to balance speed with melody. The rhythm section, featuring drummer Giannis Roussis and bassist Chris Achelous, provides a solid foundation with their tight, energetic playing. Giannis’s intricate patterns and Haris’ driving guitar work create a propulsive force that drives the album forward.

While "Tower of High Sorcery" excels in many areas, it does have moments where it treads familiar ground. Some tracks, such as “The Oath” and the albums title track "Tower of High Sorcery" follow well-trodden paths within power metal. These songs are enjoyable and well-executed. The production of "Tower of High Sorcery" is impeccable, with every instrument given its due prominence. The mix is clean yet powerful, allowing the complex arrangements to shine without overshadowing the vocals. This clarity is particularly evident in tracks like “Fortress of Sorrow,” where the interplay between the guitars and the orchestral elements creates a rich, immersive soundscape.

In summary, "Tower of High Sorcery" breathers new life into "ACHELOUS'" ability to craft engaging, high-quality power metal. The album’s rich storytelling, technical proficiency, and dynamic compositions make it a standout release. While it occasionally falls into genre conventions, its strengths far outweigh its very few shortcomings. For fans of power metal and newcomers alike, "ACHELOUS'" has delivered an album that is both a celebration of and a fresh take on the genre’s defining characteristics.

8 / 10









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"Tower of High Sorcery" Track-listing:
  1. Whispering Forest (Introduction)
  2. Dragon Wings
  3. Istar (Blood Red Sea)
  4. The Oath
  5. Tower of High Sorcery
  6. Fortress of Sorrow
  7. Into the Shadows
  8. Pagan Fire
  9. When the Angels Bleed
Achelous Lineup:

Chris Achelous - Bass

Chris Kappas - Vocals

Giannis Roussis - Drums

George Mavrommatis - Guitars/Keyboards

Haris Dinos - Guitars

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