

Chilean thrash metal maestros ABREAKTION's new EP release "Bornhatred" will certainly put the fire in the belly (and ears) of many metal fans.
August 14, 2024

South America has kept thrash metal alive and it is breathing fire from the lungs of Chilean metal maniacs ABREAKTION. Taking influence from black metal and a hint of melodic metal, their album "Bornhatred" has managed to mix sub-genres while keeping to their roots of anger fuelled soundwaves. Straight away, the artwork suggests that you are not in for easy listening, but it doesn’t prepare you for the monstrous nature of this body of work. However, melodic influences of the first riff of the first track "Empty Promises" lures you into a false sense of security. You are soon to change your mind of the track and subsequently, the whole album when the all action riff of the verse comes in. Memories of 80’s death metal band VENOM spring into mind and it is from here that you are able to grasp the true reality of the three piece's musical intentions. "Pyromaniac", the second track on the album is insanely fast paced, but well timed as it really picks the listener up and throws them about in a rage filled ball of flames. This song seems to be one long sequence of riffs with a lack of transitions between them, but this is a quality that embodies the track and encapsulates what the band is all about – Thrash Metal.

The influence of METALLICA, more specifically, their "Master of Puppets” album is clear in the production. The tone of the guitars takes on that iconic era of the metal goliaths, and the “roomy” sound of the instrumentation as a whole rewinds the clock back to 1986. This influence doesn’t just stop at the producer's hands. "Amnesia Chronicle" is a song that shares the same atmosphere as “Damage, Inc.” As well as this, you can hear a likeliness toward Kirk Hammet on the ripping guitar solo. However, the virtuosity of the Guitarist is really shown in the final original track of the album with awesome riff writing and a monster solo in the mix as well. This song is finalised with an IRON MAIDEN vibe where the solo is borne from.

Finishing off the album is a track that shows the roots of this band. A cover of DARK ANGEL'S “Welcome to the Slaughter House” really showcases the influences of the trio’s habitual thrashy and aggressive approach to song writing. Epitomised by the name of the vocalist Roran Fatehatred, this band are here to stay and fans of thrash metal should remember the name ABREAKTION.

6 / 10

Had Potential








"Bornhatred" Track-listing:
  1. Empty Promises
  2. Pyromaniac
  3. Amnesia Chronicle
  4. Mental Torture
  5. Welcome to the Slaughterhouse (Dark Angel cover)
Abreaktion Lineup:

Roran FatehatredGuitar/Vocals 

Javier Salgado – Guitar/Drums 

Sebastien Logan – Bass 

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