Aawks – Luna

Aawks – Luna

Purple smoke is indeed a pretty good description of the band. The smoke part comes from their use of herb, while purple hues often represent magic, extravagance, peace, pride, independence, and wealth. I can literally picture the band in extravagant robes, pipe in tow, emerging from a den of iniquity. This album has an old school flair with a modern touch.
November 23, 2023

I was not able to gather much information on the band, except for an excerpt from their Facebook page, which reads “AAWKS hails from Burrie Onturio. We emerged from a puffy cloud of purple exhaust a few years back.” The EP has three songs, and “The Figure” is first. Thick, meaty bass notes lead the way, followed by a low and fuzzy riff that seems to come up from underneath you. The vocals are tinged with effects, making that Stoner/Psychedelic sound stand out. “I Ran” is indeed a cover of A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS. I have always liked this song, because it reminds me of my teenage life in the 1980’s. AAWKS take on the song is original as well. There is an echo in the leads and the vocals are delivered with an air of mystery.

“Julia Dream” closes the album. It’s a shorter and more concise song. Again, the effects in the vocals keeps this song firmly rooted in psychedelica. There are smooth acoustic guitars, little snippets of keyboards, and simple bass notes, but no drumming, save for an occasional rap on a block. Overall, three songs is often hard to judge an album on, but in this case, it is rather clear. Purple smoke is indeed a pretty good description of the band. The smoke part comes from their use of herb, while purple hues often represent magic, extravagance, peace, pride, independence, and wealth. I can literally picture the band in extravagant robes, pipe in tow, emerging from a den of iniquity. This album has an old school flair with a modern touch.

7 / 10









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"Aawks – Luna" Track-listing:

1. The Figure

2. I Ran

3. Julia Dream


Aawks – Luna Lineup:



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