The Wolf and the King


This isn’t a bad album by any stretch, but it’s about what the listener might expect from the band…staying in their lane, and not taking too many chances. I admire that, but at the same time, would also love to hear some more experimentation. They have a lot of talent, which they should use to push themselves a bit more.
July 25, 2024

From Bandcamp, “Behold, “The Wolf and The King,” the latest cataclysm to be unleashed by 1349. A tempestuous odyssey through eight tracks of pure, unadulterated Black Metal, flawlessly showcasing the band's mastery over chaos and carnage. Each track is a portal into a realm where shadows reign supreme, and the air is thick with the stench of decay. With “Wolf and The King,” 1349 continues to stretch the boundaries of the genre, infusing their relentless blast beats and searing guitars with an atmosphere of apocalyptic elegance.” The album has eight songs.

“The God Devourer” is the first cut, and it goes straight for the throat, with a dark and contentious sound. The riffs change speed expertly, and the drummer can roll the kick drum with the best of them. “Ash of Ages” begins with a slower and heavier grind, and the big riff accents drop like meteors from the sky. Some of the riffs are just a bit elementary, however, but are chaotic. “Shadow Point” begins with clean guitars, that are suspenseful, and creepy, and you can hear the building of the sound. It explodes forward with a thick and overgrown sound and plenty of harrowing elements.

“Inferior Pathways” opens with the sound on full tilt, and the gas pedal pressed firmly to the floor. The riffs, drums, and vocals are buzzed with stimulants, as the song rolls forward without hesitation. “Inner Portal” is another thick slab of steak that takes sharp teeth to get through. Talk about darkness…this song is a dark as the night sky. “Obscura” is a shorter song, but it loses none of its potency. The band shifts the meter several times throughout the song as well, keeping the listener tuned in and on his toes. “Fatalist” closes the album. It has a distinct dissonant sound to it in the guitars, and some stalwart semi-clean vocals that make declarations.

This isn’t a bad album by any stretch, but it’s about what the listener might expect from the band…staying in their lane, and not taking too many chances. I admire that, but at the same time, would also love to hear some more experimentation. They have a lot of talent, which they should use to push themselves a bit more.

7 / 10









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"The Wolf and the King" Track-listing:

1. The God Devourer

2. Ash of Ages

3. Shadow Point

4. Inferior Pathways

5. Inner Portal

6. The Vessel and the Storm

7. Obscura

8. Fatalist


1349 Lineup:

Archaon – Guitars

Frost – Drums

Ravn – Vocals

Seidemann – Bass


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