Avatar, Orbit Culture, The Native Howl at Diamond Ballroom

Diamond Ballroom (Oklahoma City, United States )

September 20, 2023

Avatar, Orbit Culture, The Native Howl
The circus came to town as AVATAR, ORBIT CULTURE and THE NATIVE HOWL took over […]
July 31, 2024

The circus came to town as AVATAR, ORBIT CULTURE and THE NATIVE HOWL took over the Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City. Fans had the chance to experience different kinds of metal with this lineup of unique and fun bands.

Michigan band THE NATIVE HOWL first gained widespread recognition after winning the first season of television show "No Cover," introducing the world to their very own brand of metal dubbed "thrash grass." These guys have been making a name for themselves ever since and rightfully so. Not only are they talented, but they're bringing something distinctive and special to the metal world by including the banjo in their music, melding bluegrass and thrash metal into one magnificent sound.

Swedish melodic death metal band ORBIT CULTURE are quickly making a name for themselves in the United States after forming in 2013. These guys are heavy and quickly impressed the Oklahoma City crowd, earning chants of "ORBIT CULTURE! ORBIT CULTURE! ORBIT CULTURE!" before even finishing their set. I'm sure this wasn't the only crowd they made a big impression on during this tour. It won't be surprising to see them on bigger metal tours as they gain popularity.

AVATAR is a live experience unlike any you will witness at any other metal show. It's like if metal took over Broadway and became a huge freak show. It's the best kind of weird and AVATAR is always one of my favorite bands to see live. It's a fun and interesting performance every time with nonstop energy and theatrics, along with great music. They consistently pump out hits with each new album cycle and I can't imagine anyone not having an excellent time at one of their shows.

AVATAR setlist:

  1. Dance Devil Dance
  2. The Eagle Has Landed
  3. Valley of Disease
  4. Chimp Mosh Pit
  5. Paint Me Red
  6. Bloody Angel
  7. For the Swarm
  8. Puppet Show
  9. When the Snow Lies Red
  10. Do You Feel in Control?
  11. Black Waltz
  12. Tower
  13. Colossus
  14. Let it Burn
  15. A Statue of the King
  16. The Dirt I'm Buried In
  17. Smells Like a Freakshow
  18. Hail the Apocalypse

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