LEE KERSLAKE: Metal Hall Of Fame Reacts To Ozzy Drummer / Inductee's Death
September 20, 2020

Iconic former Ozzy Osbourne and Uriah Heep drummer Lee Kerslake passed away early this morning from cancer. He was 73 years old.
Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne recently joined with the Metal Hall of Fame to give Kerslake his dying wish of receiving his platinum record awards for his contribution on the "Blizzard of Ozz," and "Diary of A Madman," albums, after 39 years of legendary lawsuits, ongoing legal battles, and constant controversary between the two camps. Both Osbourne records are widely considered by critics and fans alike to be amongst the best albums ever written.
The Osbournes recently agreed to grant Kerslake his dying wish of receiving his platinum albums, after being contacted by Metal Hall of Fame President/CEO Pat Gesualdo. Gesualdo informed the Osbournes that Kerslake had terminal cancer, and that he wanted to help mend the legendary 3 decade old, ongoing, headline grabbing feud, which was levied over financial payments and song royalties between the Osbournes and Kerslake. After conversations and much strategizing, the Osbournes and Gesualdo arranged to have the Platinum record awards presented as a surprise to Kerslake for his Induction into the Metal Hall of Fame, at the Annual Metal Hall of Fame Celebrity Gala.
"It was a great honor to help grant Lee his dying wish of receiving his platinum records awards for his brilliant drumming and song writing abilities on the "Blizzard of Ozz," and "Diary of A Madman" records, after 39 years. It was also a true honor to join with Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne to make that possible for Lee. I am extremely grateful for them doing so. Lee is a drumming icon and our hero. We can never forget his friendship, and the great songs and talent he gave the world, both as a drummer for Uriah Heep, and Ozzy Osbourne."
Kerslake had been working on a solo album entitled "Eleventeen." A much anticipated documentary on Lee Kerslake featuring Kiss, Uriah Heep, Ozzy Osbourne band members, and other rockstars has been in production by film maker Tayla Goodman, and is waiting to be finalized.
For more information, please contact Pat Gesualdo at 973-725-5150
About The Metal Hall of Fame:
The Metal Hall of Fame holds the Annual Metal Hall of Fame Charity Gala. It is dedicated to forever enshrining the iconic musicians and music industry executives responsible for making hard rock and heavy metal music what it is today. Past Metal Hall of Fame Galas have featured Metallica Inducting Megaforce Records founders Jon and Marsha Zazula. Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne also joined with the Metal Hall of Fame by providing their former drummer Lee Kerslake with his Platinum Record Awards for his participation on both "Blizzard of Ozz" and "Diary of A Madman" albums after 39 years. An epic all-star jam took place at the 2020 Gala, which featured Geoff Tate, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Chris Poland, Bjorn Englen, and Pat Gesualdo. Numerous legendary events and Inductions take place on a Global basis as part of the Annual Metal Hall of Fame Gala, the most important night in Hard Rock and Heavy Metal.
The Metal Hall of Fame is part of the 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization D.A.D. (Drums and Disabilities), which provides free therapy services for disabled children and their families in hospitals and community centers in over 15 Countries.
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