HABORYN: "At the Edge of Extinction" Release

Thrash Death Metal with melodic component" would be a way to define the work of […]
By Zarto
March 20, 2012

Thrash Death Metal with melodic component" would be a way to define the work of this quintet, which attack your ears so harsh, with a force consisting of 10 high bill issues, appropriate guitar solos, riff filled with poison, and a voice that contrasts from the more guttural tones to more features.

"One of the surprises of last year, a band of Thrash/Death melodic with load deep technical ! The band offers an extreme metal work but easy to digest, with enough changes that it becomes fun and not boring in all with the passing of the minutes ! Great work by the quintet that should serve to split up and leave so dear to all underground to make themselves known to a wider audience undoubtedly will appreciate his talent."
Raul Sujar Pozo - Hijos del Metal Zine #6 (Spain)

"At the End of Extinction' encloses 10 fast and mosh-pit worthy songs with catchy guitar riffs that eventually outlines Harboryn as another unique metal band. Distinction is an element that contributes toward band survival in the hard rock and metal industry. This combined with talent is a component that grabs the listener's interest and establishes a growth of love for the music. It's a concoction that is vital and should exist within every band."
Marco Da Fonseca - Headbangingtoday.com (South Africa)

"! It shows the evolution of this band compared to their debut album Welcome to Suffering from back in 2007 ! Melodic Death which seems to be the main trend of this record, here it shows the ability composition of the band, with catchy riff ! A world of difference between the first and the second album Haboryn, be sure to listen and learn that humanity is on the brink of extinction ! "
Metalvital.com (Venezuela)

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