FLAVIEN: Joins Sliptrick Records

Flavien Peteul aka Flavien was born on the 22nd of January, 1997 in Angers (France) […]
June 3, 2023

Flavien Peteul aka Flavien was born on the 22nd of January, 1997 in Angers (France) to a family that he considers as his creative cradle, since he was initiated, at a very young age to painting and guitar a few years later, by his older brother.

At the age of 18, he became passionate about the Medieval era, elves and the enchanting universe of Peter Jackson. Flavien who has always dreamt of becoming a knight, launched himself into music in order to complete his artistic universe. He wished to embark his audience on a voyage from sound to music and through texts because Flavien has always been a writer: from short films to personal collections and poetry drafts.

After a first purely rock'n'roll album recorded by a producer in Angers, Flavien decided to build 'Artanos', his own label and proceeded with his elven music projects in autonomy. Very inspired by Luc Arbogast (The Voice) and his medieval music, he has embarked on an opus as real as it is magical, accompanied and guided by the composer Christophe Voisin Boisvinet and the sound engineer Adrien Thore.

The new single Le Chant du Fer is set for release on June 30th via Sliptrick Records.

Le Chant du Fer (SI) | Released June 30th, 2023 via Sliptrick Records.

Flavien is:
Flavien Peteul ' Vocals/Lyrics

Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick

Grand Sounds
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