Phil Swanson
Smith & Swanson

Thanks a lot Lior, all is well
The little known reality and unintentional best kept secret is that for the whole of Tim's and my involvement in Seamount has always been as a duo except for in live situations where Markus and Jens have always joined us. Originally we set out to be a full band but it turned out much easier from a production standpoint to just work as the two of us. So everything you hear on record has always been just Tim and I. Tim handling all the music and myself doing the lyrics and vocals.
Yes, Smith & Swanson is a nod to the rifle company Smith & Wesson. We are both very peace minded individuals so there is no gun rights influence here as I myself advocate heavily against guns of any kind. As a vegan and anti-fascist I hardly see the need in the modern world. But I grew up in the 60s and 70s with all the western movies and still will watch old spaghetti westerns periodically as does Tim so think of it as our Lord of the Rings type reference to our particular genre. So yes for kicks for sure.
Pretty much yes. Tim had a batch of songs he had written way back that didn't really sit well with what we were doing in Seamount at the time. He more recently wanted to revisit them and we weren't really doing Seamount stuff so we decided to finish them proper just to be working together again.
Yeah Greece is the mecca right now and No Remorse was very pivotal to that reality. Greece is what is keeping the underground alive right now in my opinion, at least the integrity of the movement. A long time it was Germany, then Brazil. Now Greece owns the title of truth in heavy metal with much thanks to No Remorse so it's a privilege to be recognized by them.
Going forward I would say No Remorse may be a big deciding factor in that. While we are working on new material we don't get to decide if it ever gets heard so that's a question you will have to ask No Remorse. Our hope is that there will be more because I am already promising the next one be better than the last one.
Definitely not a narrative here. These are all songs from different times in my life and while Tim lives a very consistent and grounded life I live in chaos so that chaos influences my writing and mood greatly so it's a constant changing narrative if not approached in a timely manner.
Don't be ignorant. Don't be a fool. Know what the right thing is and live your life by that right. Calibrate your moral compass as the times demand. Grow and evolve. Don't stagnate and rot. Respect the world and its people, its nature and its resources. Know the difference between storytelling and reality. Escape it when you must but when you return respect it. Don't bring the darkness of entertainment back to the light of the real world.
Wow I guess I led myself right into answering this with my last answer. Yes, use this music and any music to escape this current and future reality whether it be to the extreme or not but always understand there is really no true escape. Reality awaits but it is more than okay to step away from it especially when it becomes overwhelming. I have already spoke to Tim about the themes of the next record reflecting a more positive light to allow that escape. There is only black and grey on this record the next plans to lead us to white.
I wish I could answer this for Tim but I really can't completely be in his head to say. I know when he first introduced me to these songs he was in a heavier mind-set that's why they never appeared on a Seamount record. Though I think they would have set very well around our Seamount debut. But as we progressed we started adding more rock influences and that's why many of these songs were sidelined.
As answered in your last question the early songs were approached with heavier intent and Lucifer and Diana was written for an unreleased Seamount / Beelzefuzz split. The other songs were written to complete an album and kind of fall somewhat towards our heavier side of Seamount. The material we are working on now leans more towards a traditional heavy metal sound. Much more melody.
I don't think much of anything has changed in our process in over a decade. It's all about the moment and what we are feeling creatively in that moment. We are not working within a template we are just doing our natural thing for better or worse. Tim is always 100% in charge of the music and I 100% of lyrics and vocals. We record and produce ourselves independently. We are not involved in each other's creative process in any way.
While Tim may not fully appreciate the compliment I always give to him when others speak to me of his greatness. But my feeling is Tim has all the qualities of both Michael Schenker and Wolf Hoffman which to me is the dream to have as a partner with the only downfall of me never being able to live up to his capabilities. I know he isn't influenced by either but he shares their precision in both melody and technicality. Something very few guitarists have. Most either don't have the chops or over compensate when they do. Tim is always about the song. I know he is very influenced by Billy Gibbons and Angus Young and that is very visible but he also adds so much atmosphere and groove that makes him so very metal in comparison so maybe sprinkle some Chris DeGarmo and Tony Iommi on that and that's what you get with Tim. Tim is in my opinion the most underrated guitarist in the genre. He is a great player and composer that truly knows how to put a song first. He would of been a "hero" in the 70s or 80s. He is all style. Most players these days are copycats with none of their own influence, they steal rather than borrow.
It taught us that we are spiritually connected with our music and regardless how far we go outside our self we will always easily connect with each other with our music. We are effortlessly fluid when we write together. It is very organic and natural in a meant to be sense and I honestly believe we haven't even been given the chance to achieve what we could if given the opportunity.
Opportunity has never been in our favour so we do the best that we can with the resources we have which have always been very limited. This has always just been Tim and I making music for Tim and I.
Tim is a great producer and self-engineer. We have always recorded, produced and engineered ourselves throughout our releases. Like I said, limited resources. But we also know what we want and that's why we do everything ourselves. I would love to record with a full band and producer but wouldn't be surprised if that ever happened we both went home and re-recorded everything on our own and scraped the studio recordings. But I would still want to do it for the experience of being together in the studio.
Tim wanted to write something heavy and I was experiencing a great deal of emotional pain in my life. The two most important ingredients to making and confidently performing proper doom I would think.
I would say it is a proper band, as proper in respect to Tim and I any way. We have been speaking with Justin DeTore (Sumerlands, Solemn Lament, Magic Circle) about joining us on the next record order that would be the closest we have ever got to a full band format. Live we would probably just perform as Seamount and draw songs from that discography as well, and if that were the case my hope would be that Markus and Jens be there as that is traditional.
We are writing new material in fact, so far it leans a little bit more melodic in a traditional heavy metal sense. Not lighter by any stretch and nothing like some of the poppy Seamount stuff. Just more atmospheric and less brutish. A different side of heavy. So not a one-time deal if we can help it.
Thank you for the interview Lior

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