Gernot Gebhard & Kevin Portz

Gernot: In fact, even though of all that shit going on right now, I've been doing fine.
Gernot: Honestly, I cannot complain too much. Sure, I miss going to concerts a lot. Even though there have been a few "sit-in" shows this still does not feel the same. Yet, there is a lot of distraction with my family, my wife and my two small kids. With that strong foundation we'll overcome this pandemic eventually.
Gernot: The answer is pretty simple: Kevin, our singer, moved too far away for having weekly rehearsals. We thus decided to freeze Gravety and wait until he returns. Furthermore, two of us started with family plans and hence everything was put on hold.
Gernot: Our friendship. Even though there was a huge physical distance between us after Kevin moved away, we managed to stay friends for all this time. When we put everything on hold, we've sworn to continue with Gravety once Kevin returns. Hence, we are back!
Not being able to play live wasn't actually something that stopped us from releasing "Bow Down". We simply felt that we've got the right material at the right time. Sadly, there is currently not much opportunity to play live. But I'm sure that will change eventually. It has to.
Kevin: I'd say Jowita and Simone have their hearts filled with passion. They only support what they really like and trust their own instincts. As a band we are looking for the best possible support of our music and we hope to get further support in carrying on the steel.
Gernot: In fact, the title "Bow Down" simply says it by itself: These songs are our tribute to, our "bowing down" to some of those grand fantasy stories, (Nordic) mythologies, and last but not least to the grandfather of Epic Metal Mark Shelton. Their arrangement lures the listener into this wonderful fantasy world and allows them a glimpse at what these tales fully unfold.
Gernot: That is an interesting question. I'd say that fantasy stories always emerge from something in the real world. I believe that there always must have been some kind of trigger for such stories to be written. That would explain the connection between real world and fantasy to me. For the other way round, I could image some myths to match our situations just like in a fable. Yet, I find it hard to find a direct connection here.
Gernot: I'd say that when we did our first recording, we were all so eager to produce an album that we had not reflected ourselves. Hence "Into the Grave" is so full of different influences which shows the various musical styles we have been influenced back then. When it finally came to producing "Bow Down", we had spent much more time in shaping the songs and in putting everything together such that the individual songs yield a nice picture both on their own and as a whole.
Gernot: For "Bow Down" we decided on writing about fantasy tales. We've been strongly influenced by the Lord of the Rings, Conan and even Nordic mythology, among others, when composing the songs. For some songs the lyrics were already existing, and we had to wrap these in musically, for others the whole riffing were first, and lyrics had to be found. So, there was no genuine approach in writing "Bow Down". Each song has different kind of story to tell, similar to its writing process.
Kevin: This time we focused especially on the epic and catchy refrains, driving riffs and epic parts, which stay in contrast to the rough guitars.
Gernot: In my opinion, we managed to achieve a good balance between vocals and instrumentation by putting the spotlight on whichever element is currently active. This is evident when listening closely to the chorus sections where the instrumentation becomes less playful and less distracting, allowing more room to the vocal section to become more prominent.
Gernot: Right after the recordings of "Into the Grave" were finished, I was convinced that we could do recordings better on our own as we'd then have the full control starting from the first demo to the final mastered track. To improve I went to several mixing and mastering tutorials. Over the past years I've recorded, mixed and mastered some CDs and made a few mixes of live recordings.
Regarding songwriting, mhh, that is hard to answer. Previously, I'd directly note down everything, and try to think about which notes would fit here and there. Of course, this is very tedious, kind of mathematical and even somewhat mechanical when a song is about to evolve. What has mainly changed for me is that once some nice riffs comes up in my mind I directly start to record this and let things flow. Then I try to feel how that single riff evolves to a whole song. At least in my opinion, this makes the whole thing feel more natural, more cohesive in the end.
Gernot: During the making of "Bow Down", my role has shifted a little bit. I become more and more the mixing and mastering engineer and less the guitar player. Hence, I'm strongly involved when it comes to adding background tracks to make certain sections to make them sound the way they should – making them sound epic. Of course, there were always discussions inside the band on how to achieve which effect. Yet, I was and am always open to criticism. So, I guess we did quite well. And rest assured, I'm mentally stable. *laughs*
Gernot: Thanks a lot. In fact, "Red Mountain" is a quite old track which I started writing in 2010, even before the recordings of "Into the Grave". Back then, that song was in fact quite different, and a lot faster. When we started working on "Bow Down" I got that old song out of the attic and decided it could fit when being played slower. After a few sessions with Kevin, the song then got its final structure.
Gernot: Thanks a lot. I feel deeply honored. This specific song is the best example for how songwriting works best for me. You know, I'm a huge fan of "The Wheel of Time" and always wanted to pay tribute to the series with a song (or two). That was one of the moments when I was kissed by a muse. The song – in its raw structure – was written in one evening. Together with Kevin we polished this raw diamond into its final shape, of which we are all very proud of, I might add.
Gernot: There are plans to do so, yet I cannot tell anything specific yet. Feel free to check us out on our homepage Gravety – Bow down! on our Facebook page Bei Facebook anmelden or our Instagram profile Login • Instagram for any updates.
Thank you Lior

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