Florian Funtmann
Long Distance Calling
The band's first release SATELLITE BAY in 2006 and their follow up AVOID THE LIGHT in 2010 certainly gave a good impression and idea for listeners to hear the roots of what the band is all about, instrumental, progressive and contemporary is how they could be described as. However they have had more releases since then including their self titled release in 2011, THE FLOOD INSIDE(2013), NIGHTHAWK(2014), TRIPS(2016), BOUNDLESS(2018) and HOW DO WE WANT TO LIVE?(2020). So with a new album on the way now as the year of 2022 is over halfway, Metal Temple writer Andrew Harvey was delighted to have the opportunity to listen to their music as there are four members including DAVE JORDAN on guitars as well as FLORIAN FÜNTMANN, then there is bassist JAN HOFFMAN and drummer JANOSCH RATHMER.

Florian - Yes hello nice to meet you!
Florian - I think we started back in 2005 by the end of 2005, when we started to hang around and make some music in the rehearsal room and we were heavily influenced by bands like ISIS, LUNA and PORCUPINE TREE. Because that was the main thing we were totally into at the time in the band too so I guess PORCUPINE TREE was what we were searching for.
Florian - For me it's pretty easy because I had a kit at the end of 2019, I was busy and there was no boredom on my side. I guess maybe for me it was good to be at home and not on the road for 3 years straight.
Florian - We met when we were supporting a band called ANATHEMA from England, he was supporting and we were supporting the shows in the Netherlands and Germany. We can say we became great friends on the road and when we worked in the studio, we were thinking of who can we ask to do vocals then he was the obvious choice for us, he is such a nice guy and fantastic singer in my opinion.
Florian - When we did the first album, we did not expect anything. We were like okay, let's see what happens. We were like a very strange band playing very strange music. We were not expecting anyone to like this (laughs) so yeah we were kind of surprised that it turned out the way it did.
Florian - The concept was about how humans deal with technologies and how they use them in life and that was the main concept for the whole album. We wanted to put out some good and bad things about it but yeah that was the whole idea behind it.
Florian - Yeah I think so, I am not good at putting my own stuff into genres, I think it is just instrumental atmospheric rock or something that if you say post metal or post rock that still sounds good to me.
Florian - I think so, I think that fits like I said in the beginning, especially PORCUPINE TREE was a huge influence for everyone in the band, so yeah that is correct.
Florian - That's taken from a movie I think the guy doing the electronics stuff he came up with so it was the atmosphere of the song we kept it like this one.
Florian - Yeah absolutely because they always or sometimes relate to reality like in that movie; greenhouse gases and oceans rising. These dark and let's say evil stories are very fitting to the kind of music we play and the atmosphere we try to create.
Florian - I think the main thing is that we have become better musicians over the years, when we started the band we were just experimenting with no idea what was going to happen. And of course from the second album we played a lot of shows and we rehearsed a lot and of course we got better and so on and so on. I guess that's the main thing you can say about our sound evolving and in a certain direction.
Florian - Yeah I think it was there from the beginning but I think we were not really able to experiment the way we want to experiment because we just started as a band and yeah we were just maybe let's say planning our style. I guess we really started to experiment on the third album with space and sounds like that.
Florian - Ah that is not an easy question because we have played lots of shows all over Europe but I think some of the craziest shows were actually in Russia because they were totally nuts with people there. And that was totally fun and we had some very good shows in Spain because I remember the first time in Spain, a couple of weeks after they won the World Cup. Everyone would go totally nuts so that was very cool, I really like Switzerland and the Netherlands. I think we had some good shows and bad shows somewhere.
Florian - I think it is a mixture, I think the new album is a bit heavier than the one before but with some new elements we did not have on the previous record. So I think it is a mixture of some old stuff combined with new elements because we always tried to experiment when it is about the songwriting or production, things like that. And because we like to keep it interesting for ourselves as well as a band. So we are not like a band, for example like ACDC they have a certain style and then they have to repeat the style every time, we don't do that.
Florian - Of course I think the tour will be in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in March next year. Then we are going to do a European tour soon afterwards (maybe I don't know) we have never been to the United States before, you never know. It will happen someday, unfortunately it is not easy to go to the United States.
Florian - Of course everything is just LONG DISTANCE CALLING and we are on Facebook, Instagram and all these social media platforms.
Florian - Yeah thank you for having me and that was a totally fun interview and yeah thank you!

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