Dominik Sebastian
Serious Black

Hi Lior, thanks for your invitation! I'm doing quite fine, thank you!
Well, the pandemic years were challenging indeed but gave us the possibility to fully concentrate on the album. The war – and it has to be called WAR – is an immense tragic and we need to hope that it won't come worse! But nevertheless, we don't help anybody if we keep ourselves being stuck in a state of shock and lethargy. And anyway, we already have a good reason to smile: Our current album hit the German album charts at rank #16!
I have to go further back in time. Especially the last recordings with him (working on Suite 226) were difficult like hell as he didn't hold any of the deadlines for delivery, given by our record company. He was not even reachable for us or the company at all. We kept on trying, also asked his friends and relatives, to get in touch with him to discuss the reason for that and to find a solution together. But he just didn't give a shit. The final vocal recording files we got 3 months (!!) after the planned date. Because of that major delay Mario had to finalize the record within a few days that we could at least hold the release date. That was necessary because of the already booked tour with Hammerfall in spring 2020, which was so important for us.
His behaviour of a "fuck-it-all"-attitude increased on that tour – he didn't show up for soundchecks or at the merchandise area after the shows and also didn't perform the way he used to on previous tours. On top of that we were later told by our crew members that he was telling lies about us, too. Urban later apologized for his behaviour over the past years via an old (and not used) chat room in which only Ramy, a former crew member and I were still in. We didn't react to that immediately as he knew exactly how he could reach us in an official way. So, we waited for an honestly meant mail of excuse or a will for a talk by him. Instead of that, a few days later, we got requests from various magazines and business partners about what is going on, as Urban posted on Facebook that he was out of Serious Black. That was surprising indeed – although I personally would have kicked him out already right after the last tour, or even far earlier. In a little public debate, he tried to turn things around to his own favor but still didn't ask for a talk. So, latest at this point, it was clear for everybody, that there was no chance anymore for a working together at all.
Nevertheless: Still an outstanding singer he is, we wish him all the best for his future life.
We didn't watch out for a hired gun or just a copy of a magician who can sing too. The requirement was to find one who is able to sing our old stuff as well as he should bring in his own ideas, style and knowledge. Last but not least: he should pull the same rope into the same direction like we do. We searched for the needle in a haystack, so to speak.
We were in contact with various great singers worldwide and also did some auditions via mail – more or less a casting. Then, one day our label AFM-records told us that Eden's Curse might split up and that Nikola would be a great choice. Ramy already knew him from a shared tour with his former band and remembered him to be a nice, calm and professional guy. So, we contacted him, and he was absolutely hooked. But then we had to wait quite long for his demo recordings, in which he should show us his interpretation of some of our old songs and an idea to a new one. I personally had a kind of flash back and feared no good. But when he finally sent us his demo we were absolutely flashed. The first personal meeting took place then in our studio near Munich to do the final vocal recordings. I don't need to tell you what an amazing job he did on our current record.
Nikola does not just replace a former member but lifts Serious Black to the next level. We are more than happy that we have found our "Mr. Right" within Europe.
Well, the withdrawal of our former singer didn't come too early. We didn't want to lose any time as we couldn't know when we would find a proper replacement. On top there is absolutely no guarantee that a good front guy is a good writer, too. Anyway, the main concepts for the stories that the lyrics should tell about were set. So, we began to write the words ourselves to the already finalized music. Here I have to mention that Bob wrote a good amount of the music on "Vengeance" but couldn't find time then to join us for the video and photo shootings. Next to creating most of the keyboard lines and orchestral stuff he also played some rhythm, lead and solo guitars and additional bass, too.
Henning was really a great help for us in finding the right vocal lines and also words to some songs. He also gave us great feedback on others.
There was no doubt at any time that we wouldn't finish the album in time, but we all were relieved for sure when it was done. We had the feeling that we have created something special.
In the centre of the concept of vengeance it tells about Mario's relationship of the past few years. He treated her like a princess, did everything for her and helped her out of the shit. It all seemed harmonic and perfect – for outsiders, sometimes maybe too perfect. Then, suddenly, when he just asked for a little give and take, she dropped him like a hot potato from one day to the other and told lies about him and his surroundings. It is so sad how one can be wrong about someone. Our last single "Out Of The Ashes" tells most of the main story. Watch the video we did for it!
Other lyrics are about various people in our daily lives we had the "honor" to work with in our past - e.g. different musicians or people of the (music) business. It's about intrigues, lies, megalomania, overconfidence, or egomania of those people that we had to deal with. Also, the situation with Urban was a great source of inspiration for us. For example, "Fallen Hero" describes the working with him, especially on the previous album. "Just For You" is meant to be a direct sequel to "Suite 226": The protagonist is still living in his fantasy- or dream world and keeps listening to the voices in his head and doesn't realize reality.
Without saying any names in the songs we want to clear up about those things happened, rectify them and we will not cover anyone anymore. We are sick and tired of this kindergarten. So, therefore, we chose the title for the record.
Life itself wrote these stories. We give the audience a look deep inside our inner selves, showing our honest feelings - naked and uncut. Without knowing personally, writing those lyrics were like sessions at a psychiatrist or psychologist. It felt so good to wash out all the dirt we had to swallow in our past.
The flaming lion does not only represent strength or power. The lion is also Mario's zodiac sign. As the main concept of the album is about his life, it is, so to speak, him on the cover, crushing the diadem of the princess in rage but spreads his wings and rises like a phoenix at the same time. Free and starched for a new beginning.
This record is done in the way we always dreamt of. We discussed everything on eye level and figured out what would be the best solution for the song. Everyone brought in his expertise and together we created what we hold in our hands now. This all wouldn't have been possible with the former line up.
We wrote the words to the final music. So, the words had to follow. We tried to get most catchy output to every single song that the audience would be able to sing along more or less after the first listening. Most of the words came out just like a flow. To set then the right words with the right melody line to the right musical part was the more tricky part. We chose a more easy language for a better understanding for not native speakers. We are just happy that it all worked out so great.
Nikola brought in some ideas in the end. As I already mentioned, we were forced to finalize it all ourselves first. All in all, the writing process was done as a collective but of course we wish for his full participation on the next releases.
For the final vocal recordings, we directed Nikola to make him interpret the songs like they were done by him. He just did an amazing job indeed. You really think that he had lived through all these stories himself.
The time period for the whole writing and recording process was just perfect for us. We started directly after we got back from our tour with Hammerfall. We were able to use the lockdowns without being interrupted by festivals or other touring. Working remote was nothing new for us anyway. The search for another singer needed time, too.
Not only the collective creative processes were different to previous sessions, also the working together with our record company was much closer than before. Mario knows the music business like rarely someone else and he had so many great ideas to promote the whole thing.
Unfortunately, some of those ideas didn't bear fruit the way we wanted due to the difficult situations of the pandemic. But nevertheless, it was a great experience. Next time encore!
Less might be more … I learned to respect decisions I didn't like at first – e.g. when a song of mine of six and more minutes was suddenly edited down to about three minutes. This hurts. But then it happened that I got used to the shorter version and even cut it down myself of another few seconds. I think I learned to focus more on the essence of the song - at least for Serious Black. The longer and more progressive tracks I still can do with my other band "Jacobs Moor".
In a certain way I – we – became necessarily harder. It might be more difficult to trust others. At least it could last a bit longer. For sure I will be more attentive in the future but hopefully not paranoid.
Mario did a phenomenal job mixing in a way like the big guys do. We also had the time for it. I can't go into details as I have no clue about that (haha). Listen to the record over headphones or a good stereo system and you'll find those tiny sound gimmicks within the songs. We also kept the main sound quite dynamic, so it feels more like a stadium rock record. It lets the music breathe.
Since the record shares several phases, with nearly each song displaying different patterns
of personality, I picked the one that should be rendered as one of the album's main drivers, "Soul Divider". I believe that you found the edge between being melodic, heavy and also heart-warming at the same time. It also shows the qualities of Mijic as a vocalist, such richness and depth. What is your appreciation of this song? How do you find its impact?
Thank you for the flowers! This is one of the songs I've written the music for, and I also wrote the lyrics together with Ramy. It tells a love story of another kind out of Ramy's life. It is also the very last song we finalized. Literally I rewrote the chorus (words and melody line) just a minute before Nikola stepped into the recording room. Although we all were already tired from the hard work during the week of vocal recordings, he just nailed it. I'm really proud of what we made out of it. By the way, this song is also the favorite of my other singer, Ritchie.
We all are sure that we created something really special. We just took the best of our best ideas, crowded together the best possible musicians around and worked together like never before. Of course, you might find something here or there which could be more like this or less like that. But if you start thinking like that you'd never come to an end. Maybe "Mona Lisa" was just a sketch for daVinci … but I don't think so.
On the next recording we will probably do some things differently. I can't tell yet what.
There are some summer festivals confirmed this year and we will hopefully go on our postponed headliner tour in Nov/Dec. As this year every festival and band on earth needs and wants to do their postponed tours and concerts, we concentrate more on 2023.
Thank you so much for your interest and support! It was a great pleasure! Cheers!

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