Danny Felice
The Heretic Order

Awesome ,yourself ? thanks for the interest in the band.
Well, you have to be a hermit not to realize the world problems have being getting worst, humanity is regressing, but I guess it's the way of the human world its always being a volatile place. I try not being over pensative in those matters, in a way it's so out of my better said our control. Its s a very depressing topic and yes worries me but we should even more worried about the changing climate in the planet that is the real game changer, we are destroying a paradise, some still don't see that nature is the only connection we have with something pure, and we need it to continue life.
It was a hard couple of year's couldn't do much from going out playing live music even work, it makes you realize how precious the things we take for granted are and how easy it is to loss it, freedom is all. I had to disconnect and live day to day never knowing when it's going to be over luckily, I have my family that and making music save my sanity even when I ended up getting the damn covid.
Well, we used the time to finish the new album so never even contemplated the idea, I had plenty to do music artwork, luckily we made sure we used the time for something productive.
I had many ideas but didn't want to represent the album as a specific subject so it was obvious it had to be 3, check the number in numerology terms ha ha Also would add that I loved the way it fitted on the artwork.
I am very tuned to the theory of ancient aliens, an advanced alien species colonizing the earth in the remote past and creating modern humans by mixing their DNA with the primitive humanoids living on earth? The elusive missing link? Why not? I've heard more crazy stories in our accepted commercial religions. Think of it, how easy would be for an advance society that can travel the speed of light to create live.
Us humans already started the voyage of creating life in a lab and as a species comparing to the age of the universe we are at our beginnings. Mind you I am open to other ideas but in my experience is the idea that makes more sense to me, we should all have the freedom to think outside the normal patterns our society dictates. With the illuminati it's just another of the many power control elite secret societies who are immensely powerful they know the secrets and have the knowledge of how to better the world but chose to hide it so they can retain power 'Greed is the enemy. I could talk all day on this subject not enough space ha ha.
I see my songs as short stories , as chapters in a book rather than my personal feelings , surely it reflects the way I felt when I wrote it at the time. This time around I wrote more on current subjects which affect me directly and it surely shows though 'Mark of the beast ' is about the cathar genocide and 'Invictus' tells the story of ancient warriors, it's my obsession with medieval times rearing its ugly head ha ha I would say it's more of a concept on the darker side of the human evolution and its journey which sadly hasn't change much apart from technology.
We needed a fresh approach you can't keep on doing the same concept, so we decided to change things a bit even the band logo. I designed the cover, it's my first album cover design so I put a lot of time and detail to get what the music needed as a visual. All songs are represented in the cover they are ghosted and embed around so dare anyone to look in detail I leave it to the imagination. Symbolism is present
I am very satisfied that we are going in the right direction, from the beginning we have been evolving it feels natural. For me THO music is a soundtrack to the stories in the songs and I try to take each song on a different journey with no limits on where the music will take you, kind of grows a mind of its own.
Well, I am surprised we lasted so long ha ha , it's a good feeling seeing how everything evolve from just an idea I felt proud finishing the third album now let's see what happens and where it will take us.
I really felt with the topic of the lyrics the music needed to be direct to enhance the story, glad you mentioned the different mini atmosphere's as I had the concept of all the songs their own kind of world inside the album. Importantly we wanted to create a furious vibe to add to our live sets these new songs work amazingly.
Definitely it was a challenge and I very much kept changing some stuff through the composing process, it needed the edge and came naturally , as I said before ethe music is a mini soundtrack to the stories enjoy the ride.
Thanks, glad you noticed I try to change mentally into the character who are narrating the different stories, it's kind of acting. It's kind of vocal acting maybe if that exist ha ha I could say I became possessed by the character whilst recording.
Agree, I love the heaviness of it ,it was one of the last songs I composed for the album who knows it may be a new window to the next chapter style wise. The guitar riff is vicious and suits the angst theme of the song which is the search of the truth in knowing and hoping there is something beyond death, it's a dangerous notion the song tackles ,its thinking when you have failed in life I can chose to start again but doubts creep in is the after live real , I personally think we have one life, think of it as just a one off and enjoy it and if there is something after we die, well good I'll deal with it then. Though the idea of reincarnation or of living in a matrix of energies at different levels some call souls appeals and intrigues me.
Not sure you notice the prologue and epilogue are connected to that song , the directness and theme about human sacrifice which always showed to me as one of the most depraved act committed by human beings, We thought it sets the mood to open the album very well. There are many connections to later songs, alien visitation, the sprit realm and the speed and heaviness of the track worked well to open. We worked hard on that track.
I love Motorhead, one of the first metal bands I ever heard, lyrics are amazing I loved recording that song we just put our rock n roll spirit in and made our little tribute I am glad we did that song and left it raw ,though we have a couple of guitar harmonies added . The story is we had played the song live and love jamming it, so somehow it ended up on the album I don't know destiny.
We are ready and eager to go so promoters and agents get in touch ha ha and get THO to grace your stage ha ha. We will try to do as much as we can.
All the best and thanks

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