Craig Rossi
Drift Into Black

Thank you for having me Loir. I've been doing well. I've been very busy promoting the new record
Thank you! The pandemic absolutely helped. I now have a hybrid work from home and office career which gives me lots of time to write music. I took that time in all of 2021 to write Earthtorn.
Love absolutely conquers all but without empathy there is no love. This story focuses not just on a sci-fi plot but also on human growth, right and wrong, etc
Very interesting, I wasn't intentionally trying to make that connection but now that you mention it that would be cool if listeners have another take on it like that. The thing is that his intentions were never to "save us" . It was to analyse us, deplete all of our natural resources, and then destroy Earth. While I was crafting the story I viewed her death as like the last good thing on this planet for him. She is the reason (even in death) that he decides not to deplete us and end our existence abruptly. He realizes that humans don't have much time left on Earth. He now knows the importance of every moment with someone you love surrounded in a world that's completely fucked. So he has the empathy to not rob anyone else of their time and decides to leave the planet to it's slow decay.
That was on my mind the entire time and that totally fuelled my inspiration of lyrical ideas. It's easy to write lyrics based on the shit show of the world today
Hahaha good question! I generally do and say shit just to watch people's expressions change. Put it to you this way I genuinely get pissed off when they report in the news that an asteroid is heading towards earth but not to worry it is expected to pass us by a few million miles away
No my belief system does not believe that at all. The last track on the album that you speak of is a total sarcastic mock on patriotism. Whenever something good happens on this planet a million bad things happen. We are always one step forward and two steps back.
No, I don't think we stand a chance at all. There are so many idiots on this planet that there is no reversing this. I think the internet and social media has truly ruined us. Instead of facing the truth these morons would rather run from it. They dive deep into conspiracy theory rabbit holes to the point that there's no way they can find themselves back to normalcy. They believe everything they see on the internet and spread it around whether they know it's true or not. They do it because we as humans are easily manipulated so might as well throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Social media has uncovered the worst in people and gave narcissistic people a platform to spew their bullshit. Now everyone's a disease expert, then the next day they're a political expert, then the next day they're an expert on war. So you know what I say to them? If you think you're smart and important than just remember that there are 8 billion other people on this planet. You're not special.
I think it being a Sci-Fi concept helped make the music touch on many different genres as well as opened up a more atmospheric tone.
We added some violins, female vocals, as well as lap steel guitar on some of the quieter moments. There are a ton more of keyboards on this record compared to the last one.
Good question, well I am a huge Pink Floyd fan so my atmospheric sounds are very much inspired by Pink Floyd. I'm also a fan of the band Skyclad (only the Martin Walkyier albums) and his lyrics about the human race. Another album which was an inspiration was Amorphis Elegy which to me the keyboards on that album are amazing.
Lyrically I wanted an album about the current state of world today but I wanted it to be interesting. So I threw the sci-fi element into that which involved a being from another world on a mission to destroy the Earth. That enabled me to expand my lyrical ideas as well as for us to explore different tones and atmospheres
That was not our intention but I think when writing a concept album, you shouldn't steer too far from home base. We kept the mood the same for the most part but the songs are all different as far as tempo, and structure.
Not at all. We all have home studios. So we were able to get it done at our leisure. I wrote and recorded my parts between November 2020 - November 2021. Enough time to make sure everything is recorded to perfection
Whenever we finish an album I always say to myself "How the hell do we top that?" But now I realize that we HAVE been out doing ourselves. Another important thing that we've learned is fluidity. An album has to flow perfectly from the 1st track to the last in order to keep the listener engaged. It also taught us not to be afraid to experiment in regards to writing and introducing new sounds.
Yes, this track IS the pivotal point of the album. At this point there is no more conflict on what to do whether he should still carry out his mission or just leave. I kind of likened this track to the same mood you get when you put in your two week notice at your job that you hate and you just cannot wait for your last day. Or when you've been on a two-week vacation and at the final 3 days you just want to get back home Hahaa.
Well our drummer doesn't even live close to New Jersey so in order for to play live we would definitely need a live drummer. So right now there are no plans for any stage shows even though I'd love to. We shall see.
Thank you! This was fun. Take care!

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