Christofer Malmström

Hello! Thank you! The honor is mine. I'm doing pretty good. Happy about the release of Inhuman Spirits and the summer vacation.
We toured a little and played a few festivals after the release of The Sinister supremacy, and we also started to write for the new album in 2014 but yes, life struck us. Peter had to study for 3.5 years and the overall motivation wasn't there. Years passed way too fast. In 2019 we did a few shows in the UK and festivals in Italy, Holland and Sweden. By that time the music was written for the new album, but our focuses were pointing in other direction. Finally, one year ago we got together to work on the recording.
Yes, we played a few shows every year up until the pandemic.
I don't think it affected us as a band that much. I know most of us were eager to get out on the road again but the decision to finally start recording didn't have anything with the pandemic to do. It was more of a convenient time to start as the stars where aligned.
The plan was never to have this gap between the releases and I would say half of the album was written quite soon after the release of The Sinister Supremacy, like in 2014-2015. Of course, we wanted to return with something fresh but we didn't know it would take so long.
It's as always up for interpretation by the listener but I think Jörgen has said that it's about the egocentric thinking in the political world. Everybody wants as much as possible, and it doesn't matter what the cost will be to others.
I mean, we are a hard-hitting metal band and we aim to deliver the music as brutal as possible. That's what feels good for us and that's what we'll keep on doing. We're not pissed on anybody, but this is how we play our metal. It's who we are.
Everybody has levels of fear within themselves and it's an interesting topic to explore. Since our lyrics contains a lot of dark elements fear is always going to be present.
I don't think so. All members in Darkane contributed with lyrics on the album and we didn't agree on certain topics or themes to write about beforehand. We all have different styles, and some may only write about the dark not offering any solutions while others might do.
I think we still have our inner tornadoes that needs to be exposed when playing our music. The energy is still there but the musicianship has developed, and the songs have better structures now than before. At least in my opinion. There will always be traces of our past in our music since we want to stick to our style but try to do it better with every album. It's important for us that our fans still recognize us and don't think we've gone soft or anything like that. Bands that do that always seems to disappoint their fans.
Peter and I usually write a lot of the music together, but he had to study and work at the same time during the years that Inhuman Spirits were written, so I wrote a bunch of songs by myself. But there are also songs that we did together. Then Klas and Lawrence wrote one song each as well. The songs were written the same way as we always have done it. The music first and the lyrics right before the recording. When I write music, I always arrange the guitars and bass the way I want it. I may program the drums as well for the preproduction, but then Peter plays the drums in his own style which may differ a lot from what I came up with in the beginning, and that's awesome since he plays better and comes up with cooler ideas than ever right now.
That's cool to hear. I don't know, I have so many different sources of inspiration. For example, we toured with Soilwork in Europe in 2014 and they played the song Spectrum of eternity from the album The living infinite, and I loved the intensity in that song so when I got back home, I wrote the song Inhuman Spirits. But that's just one example. I am still influenced by bands such as Death, Strapping Young Lad, Testament, Dark Angel, Entombed and other old school stuff. Just trying to make it sound a little more modern these days. Meshuggah is of course also a great influence even though we don't play in their style.
No I don´t think so. We have a large rehearsal space, and it wasn't a problem to get together and rehearse or record.
Well, the music was written long before the lyrics which was written right before the recording. Peter arranged the vocals on most songs (except two that Lawrence wrote and arranged directly). He was prerecording the vocals while the rest of us were tracking guitars and bass and then we sent it to Lawrence who polished the vocal arrangements and put his melodies and his own touch to it. I'd say it turned out really good.
I think it sounds very good. The sound is up to date and with loud volume you can really feel the energy from the music.
I would say that we realized that the albums don't need to be that long. Previous albums had more songs and a play time of almost an hour. It's more important to choose the best songs and keep it shorter, especially when you release the album on LP as well.
I'm very proud of it. I think the riffs turned out great and then Peter did his things on the drums and Lawrence arranged some really good vocals on it. I remember when I had written it in the summer of 2017. I downloaded the pre-production on my phone and then drank a bunch of jägershots and on my way to a concert later that night I listened to it on my phone and felt that it might be one of my favourites on the album. The orchestral outro was created by Alex Gramman and it turned out really good I think.
It's hard to say, but we are very excited at the moment and are looking for live shows, and hopefully we'll write new material a lot faster this time. But you never know. 😉
It's hard to get gigs booked at the moment since all the "pandemic shows and tours" are being done right now. We played a show in our hometown a few weeks ago and next up we have a show in Milan, Italy at a biker festival. More shows are coming up for sure.
Thanks a lot, and I hope to see you out there soon! Take care and stay metal!

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