Christian Sommerfeld
Circle Of Silence

Thanks, good so far but melting a lot with the current weather situation hehe.
It is still hard what happened and Björn is truly missed by all of us. He will be kept in our memory forever that's for sure, not just what he did for our band also as a friend and a great human being. He was the pole of rest of us. Walk Through Hell is his life's work and I'm pretty sure all of us who knew him will always remember him when listening to the songs. As a band I just want to say thank you for all he did for the band.
Yes, he was able to finish his part. Björn wrote all the lyrics and the vocals lines for this album. But also, for the previous two records. He was involved a lot over the time in doing that and we all think that he did an absolutely great job and without him the album would not be what it is now. Me personally I would say with Walk Through Hell he delivered his best work in this area so far and the almost all reviews agree on that.
That is a little difficult to answer because there were both sides. On the on-hand because of the pandemic we had a lot of time working on the songs itself. And I would say that this is one of the reasons why Walk Through Hell is our best album so far. But of course, there were also the hard times for Björn. At the beginning it was a bit difficult to work on lyrics as before because of his cancer disease. But after a time, he used also writing lyrics for his motivation to always kept fighting and I guess writing those lyrics helped him a lot. You can hear this for example in the lyrics of the songs Walk Through Hell or Triumph Over Tragedy.
The song Walk Through Hell itself is hardly related to Björn and his cancer disease. Especially the year 2020 with lots of chemotherapy and subsequent surgeries was a hard year for Björn. At the end it looked good for him and that is meant with Walk Through Hell and Back. But Björn often wrote his lyrics in a way that everyone can interpret some lyrics on its own. It was important for him that you can see the positive things in his lyrics and that they gave someone strength while having hard times.
As Björn wrote all the lyrics it is hard to answer such questions in a right way. At the end he wrote a mix of fictional and non-fictional topics. Some lyrics are related to well-known movies or comics such as The Curse or United and others are personal lyrics. Of course, there are some a little darker than others but especially regarding the lyrics of Walk Through Hell or Triumph Over Tragedy despite the sad story behind them they are also very positive and to never give up.
It is a direct interpretation of the title Walk Through Hell. There is a person walking through hell, having the will to go back to the other side and some evil creature trying to prevent him. Behind the evil creature there is the door out of hell and looking at the so-called hero he stands strong with a high motivation to triumph over the evil.
The core statement of the album is to never give up and to stay positive. And my personal interpretation is that you should always be a good person then the evil side will always loose. Or according to the song United, if we stand together we will always be strong. But of course Björn could have answered such questions much better than me because it's his lyrics.
When we started with the songwriting, our intention was indeed to write the heaviest Circle Of Silence album so far. We started with the songwriting as always in our normal D-Standard tuning, but it felt like we repeated ourselves and some songs had not natural feeling. So we decided to switch our tuning to Drop-C and we gave up the goal to write the heaviest album so far. But at the end with the new tuning there were many fresh ideas and naturally also the songs became heavier. And yes, I see this as the next step us, I think we'll keep the Drop-C tuning for the next album as well.
Yes, I think the next Circle Of Silence albums will be written with Drop-C as well. In a live situation we either have to switch the guitars or quickly change the tuning which mostly is, depending on the used guitar, also no problem. And of course, some of the older songs can easily be transcribed to Drop-C tuning.
We focussed a lot more on details and we also changed songs during the recording process which is not possible with booked studio time. If we thought that a part of a song does not fit perfectly, we just removed it or changed it. Also, there were some songs which were not planned to be on the album like "God Is A Machine" but at the end we worked again on this song a lot and it improved a lot thanks to that. Next to that we had the time to have much more voices for our lead and solo guitars and as well for the vocals. This makes the whole record more epic than our previous ones.
Regarding the song writing itself, related to me, it was less challenging than before as I had much more time for it. All other leisure activities were cancelled so I had a lot of time concentrating on the songwriting. For Björn of course it was different cause of his cancer disease. As already said at the beginning it was hard for him to work on new lyrics but then he pulled motivation from it. But I cannot speak in detail for him regarding that question.
We never rehearsed the songs before the recording process cause of the pandemic. We wrote all of the songs at home and everybody added his part to the songs. Of course we shared the songs a lot and discussed them online. And as we recorded the songs also in our home studio we had absolutely no pressure in completing them. The recording process went from February until June. At first, we started with the rhythm guitars and then we recorded the vocals of one song in a week. And in between from time to time we added the drums, bass, lead and solo guitars without any pressure.
The album was produced by ourselves and mixed and mastered by Kai Stahlenberg of the Kohlekeller Studios. I have absolutely nothing to complain about it, Kai did a great job. He gave us exactly the sound as we wanted and with his mix the songs were lifted to another level than before. We more or less said him that we want to sound a bit heavier and darker than before and after some smaller correction he delivered exactly what we wanted.
Mostly we learned a lot about producing and recording. I think doing it on our own improved the songs a lot and just considering this fact the next time we should do the same. But on the other hand, we also learned that this is a lot of work especially for myself. I did most of the recording and editing and before I just recorded my guitars in the studio and that's it. I'm not yet sure whether this is possible again for our next album cause in the meanwhile three of us have kids. Let's see. The songwriting process was more or less the same as always they only difference was that none of the songs were rehearsed before the recording.
I would say your interpretation of the song is perfect. The lyrics are about Lord Of The Rings, standing up together to fight against the evil. From the musical side the song is one our of longest and most diversified songs so far. We worked a lot of time on this song and we're very proud of it.
The answer is quite simple. We also have LPs of Walk Through Hell and LPs have a limited play time. So it was not possible to put all of the songs on the LP so we had to pick two songs as bonus tracks for the CD. This is very often the reason for Bonus Tracks hehe. Initially it was planned to have this songs somewhere in the middle of the tracklist. This Is War was picked as Bonus Track because At War With Yourself is a similar song but in our opinion a bit stronger. And Fire was picked a Bonus Track because we thought that the remaining songs are in general a bit stronger but of course this does not mean that we think it is a bad song.
So far, we have no clear plans of a tour but we plan to play more concerts in the near future. But despite the fact of Corona I hope that they will not cancelled again in autumn of winter. As a tribute to Björn Walk Through Hell and our strongest song Triumph Over Tragedy will be a fixed part of our live setlist. The last two years were hard for all bands and also with out band situation we need to regain our footing.
Thank you very much for the great interview! All the best to you!

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