Bob Katsionis
Stray Gods

Thank you Lior, it's always nice to talk about new stuff and music. As it's always busy here constantly making new music. That's my legacy, that's the footprint I want to leave in this world…well, besides my carbon footprint, haha!
It's not easy, as I told you, what motivates me is that my only goal is to make more and more good music and leave a trace behind me. You know, leave something positive in this world. I'm lucky enough to make a living out of playing Heavy Metal, what else can I ask from my life?
Nope, there was no plan, I just thought that it would be cool to make a "maiden-like" album and release it from my own lane, Symmetric Records, just because I have both the means to make and sell it. But it turned out to be more than this!
Everything changed when Aky from ROAR Records asked me to sign Stray Gods. Until that point it was a studio project. Then he asked me for 2 "real" videos, so I had to bring the musicians to Greece and produce them, and the moment we all got together we realised that it would be awesome to go out live since we liked each other and we are pretty much compatible characters. And now we are planning our first gig in like 2 months from now!
Gus Macricostas was my first and only choice for the bass position since I love this guy from the days back in 2002 or something when we played together in a band called "Casus Belli". But for the vocals, what I had in mind was Monument's singer Peter Ellis, also a good friend of mine. But I couldn't trace him, so Dan Baune from Monument too (also a good friend and lovely person!) introduced me to Artur and the rest is our short recent history, hehe.
I think it has to do with their choice of harmony and definitely their imagery and colours let's say. They have drawn so many images to my head, you know, from time and space travels, to aerial invasions, to Egypt, to the hanged man, to the Clairvoyant, you name it. Iron Maiden is a whole lot more than just a music band.
It was mostly a "test" to see if I could do it. In my head it was like I'm the producer who is hired to write some new good material for the next Iron Maiden album, only that it was 1994. Something like that. There are some hints of my personal sound in there, but it's mostly the production and sound that make it sound SO Maiden-ish. And of course…the vocals!
Yes, you are right. People change and you can't expect them to be the same persons or musicians they were 30-40 years ago. It's understood. However, they created something that no-one ever got even near to it again, and this is causing big waves of nostalgia to all of us. We kind of need the "old" Iron Maiden back, but we definitely respect them as they are now. But, with all these iconic musicians aside, if someone is longing for some new music that sounds like that, I think they Stray Gods can serve him pretty well.
Well… look. I became a Metalhead after listening to 7th Son back in 1989. Then I made a career in music, that someone could say it's been successful, if you ask me I would say it's like "ok". Reaching a point that someone tells you "hey, this could be written by Steve Harris" it's a great achievement, a huge compliment and one more box that's ticked on my long list of life goals.
I knew Attick demons since we are label mates, but when I had to invite Artur, I listened to their stuff a bit more closely. I mean, it took me like 10 minutes until I sent him the email, hahaha, that "closely" were are talking about here! I liked his power and harshness and the way he pronounces and highlights the words he is singing. Funnily enough he is NOT a huge Iron Maiden fan, his favourite band is actually AC/DC! And I definitely prefer him to the other Bruce Dickinson clones, he is a real singer and artist, not just a YouTuber.
Dan did a great work and the last thing I cared about was to make him sound like one of the Iron Maiden's guitarists. I could and he could definitely could but instead he played some really cool solos and more than that he introduced me to both the singer and Use, the person who did the artwork, so for me he is kind of the 5th member of the band. This guy is in my heart!
There's an interesting story here as well. There was a guy who I never met and he kept on sending me random lyrics for over 3 years. When I finished the album's music, "ping" an email notification arrived. It was him again with a new one! We are talking perfect timing here! So I dug on my email archives and started modifying some of his lyrics plus I wrote some new ones myself. There are definitely images like a castle under siege, or "Silver Moon" talking about a mercenary soldier who has regretted for his actions, but there's also songs talking about the whole recent cover situation (Naked In The Fire) or even the stage fright of an actor (The World's A Stage)
This one was actually the 3rd song I wrote for the album, following "The Seventh Day" and "Black Horses". It was initially a guitar oriented song based on a guitar riff, more in the style of early Dio or something. Once I realised where it was heading to, I kept this style to the end and I think it's a song that stands out from the album.
As you can guess, this was the last song the I wrote for the album and I definitely went for a longer structure, having songs like "7th Son" in mind and an intro similar to Alexander The Great. The funny thing about it, was that I actually wrote it in one go. I mean, I got the guitar, and started playing and singing. That was it. Took me like 10 minutes to make the basic structure of it. I don't know how it happened, really.
I would be a terrible liar if I didn't tell you that I already have 3 songs ready, demo'ed and done! Plus, other 10 ideas in my cell phone that just need to be properly recorded and arranged. Next album is going to be a killer, I promise. And for a fun fact, I'm giving some working titles to the songs like "Somewhere In Thyme" and "The Evil That Girls Do" so it's more fun to listen to them, hahaha!
Thanks for one more time my friend! Up The Irons!

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