Anders Sköld

Hey, it's also awesome to be back with you again! I´ve been doing fine actually, got sick in Covid like everyone else but in fully recovered now. Sweden is now seeing the light in the tunnel, spring is coming and all restrictions are lifted.
Well, there's really nothing good to say about the last two years. We had to cancel two tours and postpone one. But if we should try to find something positive it would be that we did get a lot of free time to work on the new album.
Sorrows came at probably the worst time possible, just before all the real crazy stuff happened with Covid. When we released it there were still tours going on and the really hard lockdowns weren't in place. But then it all happened fast with cancelled tours and lockdowns, so I would say no we didn't get the chance to support the album properly. Regarding livestreams, we discussed it but there were too many obstacles at the time. The main obstacle was that our lead guitarist Samuel lived in the Caribbean and was under heavy lockdown. So we decided that we wouldn't be able to do it.
The thing is with Veonity that we are not a band that became friends, we are friends that became a band. I´ve known Samuel and Kristoffer for almost twenty years and Joel for ten years. We have had the same line-up since late 2013. As I mentioned Samuel lived in the Caribbean so we didn't see each other much more than during Zoom-meetings and band discussions. But me, Joel and Kristoffer hung out regularly and rehearsed, drank beers and played videogames so it wasn't that different besides that Samuel wasn't there.
First of all, me and Samuel love fantasy and Sci-fi so we decided to go back to the stuff we love.
Sorrows still has its place in our hearts but people seemed to like the fantasy stuff and so do we so why not go back there?
I came up with the main story and then me and Samuel came up with the details and storyline and during that process we talked about how we already have the muscle hero from Gladiators tale and the space-hero in In the void and Legend of the Starborn. So we discussed about the fact that no matter where you come from in this world, every kid has opened a book and daydreamed about being a hero, going on an epic quest being someone or something he or she are not. So we decided to go with that take, but if you read the lyrics you´ll realize that the boy is actually sheltered by a big magic warrior in the story, some sort of an avatar, so we didn't send a lonely boy into war haha.
Our stories shouldn't be taken like something that is 100% applicable in the real world. It's more like whatever you do you should fully engage in it. If you want change you have to be a part of it. Sometimes the task comes to the you, and when that happens you have to decide; am I going to answer the call or ignore it? If you answer it, no matter how big or small the task is, that is your quest and if you fulfil it, then you have come a long way on your journey.
The story is a straight forward fantasy story; the power stone has to be recharged with these elements to sustain the shield that is protecting mankind. But if we talk symbolism, everything you do makes a difference for someone. Maybe it makes a difference for a lot of people, and sometimes only for you but nonetheless will it make a difference. Remember this when you go through life and hopefully you will recharge your own and peoples "power stone" instead of depleting it.
That's a deep question that we didn't really discussed during the writing of this album haha. But if would try to answer it would be something like that there's of course some people that want to be evil. But most of us has probably done something that was perceived by others as evil, even though our intentions weren't bad. As I mentioned earlier, people go through life doing tons of different things. Most of us don't really think how our acts affect others, maybe we should be better at that?
If your first introduction with us was Sorrows then I understand you feel like it was a small step forward. For us though it was a step back to what we were doing on In the Void and Legend of the Starborn. Sorrows came from a place where we wanted to try something different. We really like the album but the reviews were mixed, some thought it was a huge step forward in evolving the band and others that we destroyed the Veonity feel. Even though we like Sorrows our hearts lie with the true powermetal fantasyworld so that is where we are going to stay and explore!
From the beginning we were both lead guitarists and shared the duty but the more advanced the singing became the more I felt that I should focus on the voice. On Gladiators tale and In the Void we shared 50/50 and on Legends of the Starborn it was more like 75/25 and Sorrows I only play 1 solo. So for Elements of Power we decided that Samuel should do them all. I think this is his best work so far, he really put in the hours this time do deliver some insane stuff, which really highlights the album.
Everything, the cover art, the songwriting, the story and the joy of playing it. Don't get me wrong, as I mentioned I really like Sorrows but it's not what my heart desires to write. I am not interested in inventing something new and bold, I just want to write and play epic power metal!
As always me and Samuel writes everything but not together. I write 5 songs and Samuel 5 songs. Most people can't hear the difference on our songs so we melt together nice. We tried writing stuff together in the past but it never works out. This time we wrote the whole story first, that makes it a lot easier to write the music because you already have a feel of what every part and song should be and sound like!
After we wrote the songs we showed them to the other guys and me, Joel and Kristoffer rehearsed the songs for quite some times. Then me and Joel recorded the drums with Chris from Majestica as the sound engineer. Samuel came home for 1 week during the summer and we recorded all the guitars over 2 days. The low restrictions in Sweden made it possible to both rehearse and meet each other.
It is actually one of my favourite track also. The first time I heard it as a demo track from Samuel I didn't really like it but during the process it really grew on me and I can't wait to play that one live!
I can't really describe the process because both the lyrics and music were written by Samuel. But I do know that he wanted that particular part of the story to be a darker and riff-based song which turned out great! I think it still holds the flame of power metal when the refrain kicks in!
By the time the album is released we are all pretty tired of it. But the main thing I've learned is that you should always stick to what you really love. That will show in both the songwriting but also the performance on the songs!
We had a tour planned that would take in the end of February/March with Bloodbound, but that was postponed to march 2023. Other than that we are working in some gigs in Sweden.
Thank you for having me!

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