Embodiment of the Divine

Buried Realm

Death Metal evolved in a way that many Metalheads fans from the genre on its […]
September 15, 2020
Buried Realm - Embodiment of the Divine album cover

Death Metal evolved in a way that many Metalheads fans from the genre on its early days can't accept. But one statement must be said now: a musical genre that can't evolve will wither and die, no matter what one could say. And evolution seems to be a demand for BURIED REALM's work, as can be heard on "Embodiment of the Divine".

The album is a form of Technical/Melodic Death Metal conceived by Josh Dummer (the band mastermind and only member), filled with many invited guests (especially on guitars), creating a form of music heavily influenced by Finnish Death Metal School and Melodic Death Metal from Gothenburg, but aligning some melodic influences that can remind something from 6-strings masters as Joe Satriani and Tony MacAlpine. So it's technical and melodic, but with an aggressive insight. And it's lovely the way such album sounds to the ears.

Josh produced "Embodiment of the Divine", having the hands of the master Dan Swanö taking care of the mastering. This means that the sound quality is really amazing, with the right instrumental tunes, allowing that the aggressiveness and melodic insight of the band flow without problems. All fit in a great form.

All the nine songs are really great, but the lovely guitar shreds of "The Burning Remnants", the melodic hooks of the instrumental arrangements of "Overlord" (these shrieks fits perfectly on the song, indeed) and of "Master Psychosis" (very good use of clean vocals in the middle of the shrieks and guitar shreds), the solid and good work on the rhythm of "Scales of Queen Dragon" and "Silver Tongue" (on both can be felt the influence from guitar masters become a bit more clearer on the melodies), the contrasts between shrieked vocals and guttural grunts on "Embodiment of the Divine", and the massive weight of "The Wonder and Terror of Fortune" are the right ones to begin with. On the second time, "Embodiment of the Divine" will put a crush on you. And by the way, on the band's Bandcamp profile, there's an instrumental version for it, so hear it as homework: https://buriedrealm.bandcamp.com/

Creative, melodic and really charming, "Embodiment of the Divine" is an amazing experience. Maybe Old School deathbangers will stay away from it, but for the ones interested in good music (and not in musical models) it will be a great time listening to it.

10 / 10









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"Embodiment of the Divine" Track-listing:

1. The Burning Remnants
2. Overlord
3. Master Psychosis
4. Scales of Queen Dragon
5. Silver Tongue
6. In the Shallow Light
7. Embodiment of the Divine
8. Infinite Mutation
9. The Wonder and Terror of Fortune

Buried Realm Lineup:

Josh Dummer - Everything

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