

CHOTZÄ has taken an unanticipated evolutionary step relatively late in their trajectory with “Pächschwarz.” Altogether, it’s a surprisingly multifaceted album . . . especially for a band known for their relatively simple approach to Black Metal.
July 29, 2024

Chotzä is a Swiss German word which means ‘to vomit.’ I tried to verify this through Google Translate and, well, Google Translate choked out. I then typed in ‘pächschwarz’ and, yeah, I think I successfully killed AI. Fire drill over, everyone back to work. So much for the digital revolution.

Meanwhile, in world of Extreme Metal CHOTZÄ is better known as a Black ‘n’ Roll band out of Bern, Switzerland and “Pächschwarz” is their fourth full-length studio release. It dropped on April 25, 2024 via Folter Records. This torrent of vomit is so good you’ll want to eat it twice.

While CHOTZÄ is best known as a Black ‘n’ Roll band, “Pächschwarz” is much more than that. First, the strong songwriting is excellent. There is so much variety on this album. From the Melodic opening track “Gottvergässä” to the savage title-track “Pächschwarz” to the Atmospheric closer “Wundgang” we get some seriously inventive Black Metal on this album. And if innovation isn’t your thing, there are also several traditional, old-school tracks such as “Fieberwahn” and “Löutschä.” Utterly brutal tracks, this pair. Very Punkish, very Thrashish.

Part of the creative appeal of the album comes from the drum work by Süüchägott. While we get our fair share of blast beats, Süüchägott weaves in a range of tempos and meters that are both unexpected and gratifying. Along the same lines is the excellent lead guitar work from Raven Dust. Some really evocative solos here—the type you feel as well as hear.

Callout tracks are the three I listed above as well as “Unusgschprochä,” a melancholic Doomish track. I also really dig “Satan’s Sündä” with its eerie, out-of-tune piano intro. And don’t worry, this isn’t some acoustic interlude. After about ten seconds the piano fades and we’re treated to several minutes of scorching Black Metal. The unnerving piano, however, returns at the end, haunting and disturbing like the bitter taste of sleep paralysis.

CHOTZÄ has taken an unanticipated evolutionary step relatively late in their trajectory with “Pächschwarz.” Altogether, it’s a surprisingly multifaceted album . . . especially for a band known for their relatively simple approach to Black Metal. Coming off the heels of the re-release of their 2014 debut album, “Plump u Primitiv,” “Pächschwarz” makes for a startling and refreshing contrast.



8 / 10









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"Pächschwarz" Track-listing:

1. Gottvergässä

2. Schimubuebä

3. Pächschwarz

4. Löutschä

5. Unusgschprochä

6. Satan’s Sündä

7. Fieberwahn

8. Wundgang 

Chotzä Lineup:

Erebos – Bass

Süüchägott – Drums

Kryptos – Guitars (rhythm)

Szivilizs – Guitars, Bass, Vocals

Raven Dust – Guitars (lead)


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