Can It Get Any Worse?

Red Temple Pray

“Can It Get Any Worse?” is a good coffee house album—a middle-of-the-road, vanilla collection of 11 short tracks mostly about love and modern-day malaise.
May 13, 2024

RED TEMPLE PRAY is an Indie Rock band out of Columbus, Ohio. On February 9, 2024 they released their debut full-length album, “Can It Get Any Worse?”, following up on their 2023 EP, “Violently Lush.”  The album is a middle-of-the-road, vanilla collection of 11 short tracks mostly about love and modern-day malaise. The album is about as compelling as the cover art depicting two girls playing on the beach or even the quirky album title. I am not saying the album is bad, it's just not distinctive or memorable. 

Vocals are clean although a bit on the whiney side; the riffs are comfortable and melodic; the rhythm is mid-tempo and risk averse. The songs are all very even keeled—consistent to a fault. Fairly cookie cutter to any number of 90’s and aughts Indie Rock bands  

The most interesting track is “Sirens,” a riff heavy number that oscillates between rocking and bare bones rhythmic. Unfortunately, the regrets are too numerous to list. Let’s just say the band is much better when they are trying to rock than when they are navel gazing.  

“Can It Get Any Worse?” is a good coffee house album. For return listeners, you might find the band a little less heavy and edgy than their 2023 EP. I imagine this will be good news for mainstream Indie listeners. Regular Metal Temple readers are advised to avoid it. 


5 / 10









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"Can It Get Any Worse?" Track-listing:

1. Big Panic

2. Before The Bombs Go Off

3. Sirens

4. Heaven Like You

5. Burnt

6. Chlorine

7. Bottle Rocket

8. Where The Water Sheds

9. Overview Effect

10. Check The Kids

11.  Down The Drain


Red Temple Pray Lineup:

Josh Richter – Vocals

Nicky Richter – Guitar

John Huffman – Bass

Jordan Sloan – Drums


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