
Dune Pilot

“Magnetic” is an excellent showing for DUNE PILOT’s first album on the Argonauta label. It manages to explore a lot of range while still forging straight forward.
February 27, 2024

DUNE PILOT is a Stoner Rock band out of Munich, Germany. They are masters of their desert craft. If you need a ‘sounds-like,” think 1000Mods, but maybe a little grittier. On December 1, 2023 the foursome released their third full-length album, “Magnetic,” on Argonauta Records. The album is a solid rocker.

The album spans 11 tracks and 47 minutes, so plenty of time and space for the band to explore a wide expanse of varied terrain—which is exactly what they do. From traditional Stoner to Blues to Doom to Funk to almost almost Thrash, this album has everything. And if anything, that might be its only weak point. There’s just a lot going on. So, if you want variety, you’ll probably love this album. If you are after a single vibe, it might disappoint.

One thing I really love about DUNE PILOT is that with Andris Friedrich standing solo on vocals (all clean), the band plays with the tightness of a trio. The rhythm section of Veit Schlembach (drums) and Konst Fischer (bass) is just killer. And, of course, that rhythm sets the tempo and space for Christian Schmidt (guitar) to frolic in, which he does all so well.

Personally, I prefer the heavier tracks and moments on the album. I say moments, because there are several songs that I was ready to give up on and then they just exploded. This goes back to the variety. We’re not just talking variety from track to track, but variety within tracks. With that said, my standout list starts with “Lumi” which bursts through the gates, not out of them. After the breakneck start, there is a solid minute of Doom slo-mo at about the three-quarter mark before the song picks up again like a zombie fire reigniting and becoming twice as lethal as the opening.

Next up on my list is the very next track, “Take Your Lies.” This track is almost the opposite of “Lumi” starting off with all the urgency of molasses in winter but then at the magic three-quarter mark launches into the finest stoner riff I have heard in a very long time. Third on my list is “Vile” which is just straight up classic Desert Rock with a nasty edge, as the title would suggest.

All together, “Magnetic” is an excellent showing for DUNE PILOT’s first album on the Argonauta label. It manages to explore a lot of range while still forging straight forward. Like the vibrant image that adorns the cover, the album blows over you like a hot desert wind. Expansive and just a little vengeful.


7 / 10









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"Magnetic" Track-listing:

1. Magnetic

2. Visions

3. Lumi

4. Take Your Lies

5. So Mad

6. Next To The Liquor Store

7. Heap Of Shards

8. Pied Piper

9. Vile

10. Highest Bid

11. Let You Down


Dune Pilot Lineup:

Andris Friedrich – Vocals

Christian Schmidt – Guitar

Veit Schlembach – Drums

Konst Fischer – Bass


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