Worlds Collide


Who likes VINTERSORG? Let me see some hands raised out there! Ok, I see many […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
June 24, 2007
TME - Worlds Collide album cover

Who likes VINTERSORG? Let me see some hands raised out there! Ok, I see many hands raised. Now I can go on with this review and tell you that this band is related to the above-mentioned metallers. Oh, a warning, if you don't like VINTERSORG it doesn't mean you won't like TME either. Keep reading, you may be surprised...
If you take a look at the band's line up, you will find three well-known guys. Mattias, Benny and Johan. These three musicians also play in VINTERSORG. Basically, it is almost the musical line up of VINTERSORG with a different singer! So, this band was formed in late 2002 and was created in order to carry this line up's different (from VINTERSORG's) Metal sound. The band managed to sign a contract with Aphotic and it is now releasing its debut album entitled Worlds Collide.
So, what the big difference between VINTERSORG's and TME's music? TME describe themselves as an aggressive and brutal, yet melodic Thrash/Death Metal band. At first I had some mixed feelings regarding this band's move, because of VINTERSORG's much more gentle and folk sound. After some listening sessions, I managed to get used to their sound and I found the result pretty interesting. After my first surprise, I have to admit that TME managed to attract my attention with their aggressive Thrash Metal style. Their music is not something you will come across for the first time in your life, but it is something that you can headbang to with pleasure. Their Thrash Metal resembles to bands like ARCH ENEMY, AT THE GATES, THE CROWN and stuff like that. Aggressive, yet melodic, the band has created an album full of kick-ass songs that seem like an oasis in front of all the bullshit I have lately came across. The production, which has been done at Ballerina Audio by Nils Johansson along with the band, is pretty strong and fits like a glove to the music.
If you are a fan of European Thrash/Death Metal you will probably like When Worlds Collide. Thrashers in general should check it out. I rest my case. This album will definitely be in my CD player for some more time.

7 / 10


"Worlds Collide" Track-listing:

The Worlds Collide
Flesh And Blood
Blank Infinity
Mankinds Last Cleansing
Away From Decay
Piece By Piece
Face The Fist
Hell Incarnated

TME Lineup:

Andreas Stenlund - Vocals, Guitar
Mattias Marklund - Guitar
Johan Lindgren - Bass
Benny Hagglund - Drums

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