i want to make something as beautiful as you


Born in the USA, this one-man band is one of the most prolific in terms […]
September 27, 2024

Born in the USA, this one-man band is one of the most prolific in terms of album releases. Since formation in 2014, composer Damián Antón Ojeda has released 22 albums, and this is the second of three that was released in August of 2024. It has four songs. “you’re the brightest star” is first. It has gentle, swaying tones, and a melody that is so frail, it almost disappears in front of you. Distorted guitars kick in, along with a metric ton of energy. It’s amazing how fast it can go from mellow to illuminated. The sound makes a sudden shift close to the half-way mark with a change in key, and it brings an even brighter sun to the picture. It shines brightly until dusk, when it slowly fades into the horizon, and you drift off to sleep, peacefully.

“always have, always will” has more pensive and introspective tones, from a simple melody that just flows with smooth and easy movements, almost akin to a light breeze. It builds, note upon note, until a cinematic sound drops like a weight from the sky, and then turns a corner and is off sprinting with a key change. There are so many wonderful layers in this song that you have to peel them apart one at a time. But when they form a solid whole, it shines with the brightness of angel grace. “damzamkeit” is a piano led number with a sound that you can’t quite tell if it tips on the side of despair, or the side of hope. This balance is maintained so carefully by Damián. As it continues, it seems to struggle up that hill, clawing at whatever it can. But no matter what manner of rain and debris falls from above, it maintains its footing.

“--“ closes the album, and it’s a 20-minute opus. It’s an unassuming title, and begins with gentle tones. When a big riff kicks in, it’s almost overwhelming, and the room goes from nearly empty to full of friends and family. It make a subtle shift to a faster move, and you can feel a warmth filling your soul. Much of the mid-section is spent in this area, and once you are warm, it doesn’t fade. The sound drops off and then slowly builds once again, this time hitting you even harder through the end. What makes this album stand out is its ability to capture the nuances of hope—not just the bright moments of clarity but also the quiet, steady persistence during difficult times. There’s a sense of promise in every note, a quiet assurance that no matter what, better days are always within reach.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"i want to make something as beautiful as you" Track-listing:

1. you're the brightest star

2. always have, always will

3. damzamkeit

4. --


Sadness Lineup:

Damián Antón Ojeda


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